Research Links
Links to the following research related webpages are provided:
- A full list of publications and various citations at Google Scholar.
- Loop account.
- LinkedIn account.
- YouTube account.
- Rakha H.A. (1990), "An Evaluation of the Benefits of User and System Optimized Route Guidance Strategies,” Master Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Queen's University, p168.
- Rakha H.A. (1993), "A Simulation Approach for Modeling Real-Time Traffic Signal Controls," Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Queen's University, p413.
- Rakha H., Chen H., Haghani A. and Kaveh F.S. (2013), "Assessment of Data Quality Needs for Use in Transportation Applications," US Department of Transportation, p124. ISBN-13: 978-1495413780.
- Rakha H., Ahn K., and Park S. (2014), "Predictive Eco-Cruise Control (ECC) System: Model Development, Modeling, and Potential Benefits," US Department of Transportation, p94. ISBN-13: 978-1499518986.
- Rakha, H.A.; Paramahamsan, H.*; Van Aerde, M. (2005), “Comparison of Static Maximum Likelihood Origin-Destination Formulations,” Transportation and Traffic Theory: Flow, Dynamics and Human Interaction, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT16), pp. 693-716.
- Yue, H.*; Rakha, H.A. (2008), “Validation of the VT-Meso Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emission Model,” Efficient Transportation and Pavement Systems: Characterization, Mechanisms, Simulation and Modeling (Editors: Al-Qadi, Sayed, Alnuaimi, and Masad), Taylor and Francis, ISBN: 978-0-415-48979-9 (Hand Book), ISBN: 978-0-203-88120-0 (Electronic Book), pp. 97-114.
- Zhang, Y.*; Rakha, H.A. (2008), “Systematic Analysis of Capacity of Weaving Sections,” Efficient Transportation and Pavement Systems: Characterization, Mechanisms, Simulation and Modeling (Editors: Al-Qadi, Sayed, Alnuaimi, and Masad), Taylor and Francis, ISBN: 978-0-415-48979-9 (Hand Book), ISBN: 978-0-203-88120-0 (Electronic Book), pp. 151-164.
- Rakha, H.A.; Arafeh, M.*; Abdel-Salam, A.*; Guo F.; Medina, A. (2008), “Linear Regression Crash Prediction Models: Issues and Proposed Solutions,” Efficient Transportation and Pavement Systems: Characterization, Mechanisms, Simulation and Modeling (Editors: Al-Qadi, Sayed, Alnuaimi, and Masad), Taylor and Francis, ISBN: 978-0-415-48979-9 (Hand Book), ISBN: 978-0-203-88120-0 (Electronic Book), pp. 241-256.
- Rakha, H.A.; Tawfik, A.* (2009), “Traffic Networks: Dynamic Traffic Routing, Assignment, and Assessment,” Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, Part 20, pp. 9429-9470,
- Rakha H. (2015), "Transportation Sustainability: What Can Intelligent Transportation Systems Offer?" in The Institution of Engineering and Technology Engineering and Technology Reference. DOI: 10.1049/etr.2015.0002.
- Chen, H.*; Rakha, H.A. (2015), "Real-Time Freeway Travel Time Prediction," in The Institution of Engineering and Technology Engineering and Technology Reference.
- Elbery, A.*; Rakha, H.A.; ElNainay, M.; Hoque, M.A. (2015), "An Integrated Architecture for Simulation and Modeling of Small- and Medium-Sized Transportation and Communication Networks," in Smartgreens 2015 and VEHITS 2015, CCIS 579, pp. 1–22.
- Rakha H. (2016), "Traffic Flow Theory," in Handbook of Transportation. ISBN 978-1-138-79821-2.
- Elbery, A.*; Rakha, H.A.; ElNainay, M.; Hoque, M.A. (2016), "An Integrated Architecture for Simulation and Modeling of Small- and Medium-Sized Transportation and Communication Networks," in Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems, Volume 579 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp. 282-303.
- Rakha, H.A.; Elhenawy, M.*; Ashqar, H.*; Almannaa, M.*; Ghanem, A.* (2018), “Smart Bike-Sharing Systems for Smart Cities,” in Data Analytics for Smart Cities, pp. 125-156. ISBN: 978-1138308770.
- Elouni, M.*; Rakha, H.A.; Bichiou, Y.* (2019), Implementation and Investigation of a Weather- and Jam Density-Tuned Network Perimeter Controller. In: Donnellan, B., Klein, C., Helfert, M., Gusikhin, O. (eds) Smart Cities, Green Technologies and Intelligent Transport Systems. SMARTGREENS VEHITS 2018 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 992. Springer, Cham.
- Elbery, A.*; Bichiou, Y.*; Rakha, H.A.; Du, J.; Dvorak, F.; Klenk, M. (2018), “City-level Agent-based Multi-modal Modeling of Transportation Networks: Model Development and Preliminary Testing,” in Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems.
- Elhenawy, M.*; Hassan, A.A.*; Rakha, H.A. (2019). A Probabilistic Travel Time Modeling Approach Based on Spatiotemporal Speed Variations. In: Donnellan, B., Klein, C., Helfert, M., Gusikhin, O. (eds) Smart Cities, Green Technologies and Intelligent Transport Systems. SMARTGREENS VEHITS 2018 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 992. Springer, Cham.
- Kang, K.*; Rakha, H.A. (2019) Development of a Decision-Making Model for Merging Maneuvers: A Game Theoretical Approach. In: Hamdar S. (eds) Traffic and Granular Flow '17. TGF 2017.
- Elbery, A.*; Rakha, H.A.; ElNainay, M. (2019), “Large-Scale Modeling of VANET and Transportation Systems,” In: Hamdar S. (eds) Traffic and Granular Flow '17. TGF 2017.
- Ahn, K.*; Rakha, H.A. (2019), “A Simple Hybrid Electric Vehicle Fuel Consumption Model for Transportation Applications,” Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, ISBN 978-1-83880-070-3.
- Elbery, A.*; Rakha, H.A. (2021), “VANET Communication and Mobility Sustainability: Interactions and Mutual Impacts in Vehicular Environment,” in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Smart Cities.
- Fadhloun, K.*; Rakha, H.A.; Loulizi, A.; Wang, J.* (2021). The Fadhloun-Rakha Car-Following Model: A Novel Formulation Capturing Driver, Vehicle, Roadway, and Weather Variables. In: Klein, C., Helfert, M., Berns, K., Gusikhin, O. (eds) Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems. SMARTGREENS VEHITS 2020 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1475. Springer, Cham.
- Rakha, H.; Van Aerde, M. (1995), REALTRAN: An Off-line Emulator for Estimating the Impacts of SCOOT, Transportation Research Record, No. 1494, No. 1494, pp. 124-128.
- Rakha, H.; Van Aerde, M. (1995), Statistical Analysis of Day-to-Day Variations in Real-Time Traffic Flow Data, Transportation Research Record, No. 1510, pp. 26-34.
- Stewart, J.A.; Rakha, H.; Van Aerde, M. (1995), Analysis of the Temporal and Spatial Variability of Free-Speed along a Freeway Segment, Transportation Research Record, No. 1494, pp. 1-10.
- Rakha, H.A.; Van Aerde, M. (1996), Comparison of the Simulation Modules of the TRANSYT and INTEGRATION Models, Transportation Research Record, No. 1566, pp. 1-7.
- Carter, M.; Rakha, H.; Van Aerde, M. (1998), Variability of Traffic Flow Measures Across Lanes, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, June Issue. Vol. 26(3), pp. 270-281.
- Rakha, H.; Van Aerde, M.; Bloomberg, L.; Huang, X. (1998), Construction and Calibration of a Large-Scale Micro-Simulation Model of the Salt Lake Area, Transportation Research Record, No. 1644, pp. 93-102.
- Van Aerde, M.; Rakha, H. (1999), A Framework for the Evaluation of System Safety Benefits of Intelligent Cruise Control Systems, ITS Journal, Vol. 5, pp. 163-189.
- Rakha, H.; Van Aerde, M.; Ahn, K.*; Trani, A. (2000), Requirements for Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Intelligent Transportation Systems using Speed and Acceleration Data, Transportation Research Record, No. 1738, pp. 56-67.
- Rakha, H.; Medina, A.; Sin, H.*; Dion, F.; Van Aerde, M.; Jenq, J. (2000), Field Evaluation of Efficiency, Energy, Environmental and Safety Impacts of Traffic Signal Coordination across Jurisdictional Boundaries, Transportation Research Record, No. 1727, pp. 42-51.
- Rakha, H.; Kang, Y.*; Dion, F. (2001), Estimating Vehicle Stops at Under-Saturated and Over-Saturated Fixed-Time Signalized Intersections, Transportation Research Record, No. 1776, pp. 128-137.
- Rakha, H.; Dion, F.; Sin, H.* (2001), Field Evaluation of Energy and Emission Impacts of Traffic Flow Improvement Projects using GPS Data: Issues and Proposed Solutions, Transportation Research Record, No. 1768, pp. 210-223.
- Rakha, H.; Lucic, I.*; Demarchi, S.; Setti, J.; Van Aerde, M. (2001), Vehicle Dynamics Model for Predicting Maximum Truck Accelerations, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 127(5), Oct., pp. 418-425.
- Rakha, H.; Hankey, J.; Patterson, A.*; Van Aerde, M. (2001), Field Evaluation of Safety Impacts of Adaptive Cruise Control, ITS Journal, Vol. 6, pp. 1-35.
- Rakha, H.; Crowther, B.* (2002), Comparison of Greenshields, Pipes, and Van Aerde Car-following and Traffic Stream Models, Transportation Research Record, No. 1802, pp. 248-262.
- El-Zarif, J.*; Hobeika, A.; Rakha, H. (2002), Simulating No-Passing Zone Violations on a Vertical Curve of a Two-lane Rural Road, Transportation Research Record, No. 1800, pp. 16-26.
- Ahn, K.*; Rakha, H.; Trani, A.; Van Aerde, M. (2002), Estimating Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emissions Based on Instantaneous Speed and Acceleration Levels, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 128(2), March/April Issue, pp. 182-190.
- Rakha, H.; Lucic, I.* (2002), Variable Power Vehicle Dynamics Model for Estimating Maximum Truck Acceleration Levels, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 128(5), Sept./Oct., pp. 412-419.
- Ding, Y.*; Rakha, H. (2002), Trip-Based Explanatory Variables for Estimating Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emission Rates, Journal of Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus, Vol. 2, Issue 5-6, pp. 61-77.
- Chang, J.*; Collura, J.; Dion, F.; Rakha, H. (2003), Evaluation of Service Reliability Impacts of Traffic Signal Priority Strategies for Bus Transit, Transportation Research Record, No. 1841, pp. 23-31.
- Rakha, H.; Ahn, K.*; Trani, A. (2003), Microscopic Modeling of Vehicle Start Emissions, Transportation Research Record, No. 1842, pp. 29-38.
- Van Aerde, M.; Rakha, H.; Paramahamsan, H.* (2003), Estimation of O-D Matrices: The Relationship between Practical and Theoretical Considerations, Transportation Research Record, No. 1831, pp. 122-130.
- Sivanandan, S.; Dion, F.; Rakha, H.; Van Aerde, M. (2003), Effect of Variable Message Signs in Reducing Railroad Crossing Delays, Transportation Research Record, No. 1844, pp. 85-93.
- Rakha, H.; Ahn, K.*; Trani, A. (2003), Comparison of Mobile5a, VT-Micro, and CMEM Models for Estimating Hot-Stabilized Light Duty Gasoline Vehicle Emissions, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 30(6), Dec., pp. 1010-1021.
- Rakha, H.; Ding, Y.* (2003), Impact of Stops on Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emissions, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 129(1), pp. 23–32.
- El-Zarif, J.*; Hobeika, A.; Rakha, H. (2003), Evaluating a Detection and Warning System to Deter No-passing Zone Violations, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 129(6), Nov./Dec., pp. 590-599.
- Rakha, H.; Crowther, B.* (2003), Comparison and Calibration of FRESIM and INTEGRATION Steady-state Car-following Behavior, Transportation Research, 37A, pp. 1-27.
- Rakha, H.; Zhang, Y.* (2004), Sensitivity Analysis of Transit Signal Priority Impacts on Operation of a Signalized Intersection, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 130(6), Nov./Dec., pp. 796-804.
- Rakha, H.; Yu, B.* (2004), Truck Performance Curves Reflective of Truck and Pavement Characteristics, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 130(6), Nov./Dec., pp. 753-767.
- Rakha, H.; Zhang, Y.* (2004), The INTEGRATION 2.30 Framework for Modeling Lane-Changing Behavior in Weaving Sections, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1883, pp. 140-149.
- Rakha, H.; Snare, M.*; Dion, F. (2004), Vehicle Dynamics Model for Estimating Maximum Light Duty Vehicle Acceleration Levels, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1883, pp. 40-49.
- Ahn, K.*; Rakha, H.; Trani, A. (2004), Microframework for Modeling of High-Emitting Vehicles, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1880, pp. 39-49.
- Al-Kaisy, A.; Bhatt, J.*; Rakha, H. (2004), Assessing the Occlusion Effect of Large-Dimension Vehicles on Traffic Signs at Multilane Highways, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 130 (5), pp.648-657.
- Dion, F.; Rakha, H.; Kang, Y.S.* (2004), Comparison of Delay Estimates at Under-saturated and Over-saturated Pre-timed Signalized Intersections, Transportation Research, Part B: Methodological, Vol. 38(2), pp. 99-122.
- Rakha, H.; Ahn, K.*; Trani, A. (2004), Development of VT-Micro Framework for Estimating Hot Stabilized Light Duty Vehicle and Truck Emissions, Transportation Research, Part D: Transport & Environment, Vol. 9(1), January, pp. 49-74.
- Rakha, H.; Ahn K.* (2004), INTEGRATION Modeling Framework for Estimating Mobile Source Emissions, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 130(2), March/April, pp. 183-193.
- Dion, F.; Rakha, H.; Zhang, Y.* (2004), Evaluation of Potential Transit Signal Priority Benefits Along a Fixed-Time Signalized Arterial, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 130(3), May/June, pp. 294-303.
- Rakha, H.; Medina, A.; Ahn, K.; El-Shawarby, I.; Arafeh, M. (2005), Evaluating Alternative Lane Management Strategies along I-81, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1925, pp. 76-86.
- Rakha, H.; Zhang, W.* (2005), Estimating Traffic Stream Space-mean Speed and Reliability from Dual and Single Loop Detectors, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1925, pp. 38-47.
- Al-Kaisy, A. F.; Jung, Y.*; Rakha, H. (2005), Developing Passenger Car Equivalency Factors for Heavy Vehicles during Congestion, Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE Publications, Vol. 131(7), pp.514-523.
- Al-Kaisy, A. F.; Bhatt, J.*; Rakha, H. (2005), Modeling the Effect of Heavy Vehicles on Sign Occlusion at Multilane Highways, Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE Publications, Vol. 131(3), pp. 219-229.
- Hellinga, B.; Rakha, H.; Van Aerde, M. (2005), Framework for evaluation of communication system loading for ATIS and ATMS applications, International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1/2., pp. 56-68.
- El-Shawarby, I.; Ahn, K.; Rakha, H. (2005), Comparative Field Evaluation of Vehicle Cruise Speed and Acceleration Level Impacts on Hot Stabilized Emissions. Transportation Research, Part D: Transport & Environment, Vol. 10(1), pp. 13-30.
- Rakha, H.; Katz B.*; Al-Kaisy, A. (2006), Field Evaluation of Truck Weigh Station Operations, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 10(2), pp. 49-57.
- Park, S.*; Rakha, H. (2006), Energy and Environmental Impacts of Roadway Grades, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1987, pp. 148-160.
- Farzaneh, M.*; Rakha, H. (2006), Impact of Differences in Driver Desired Speed on Steady-State Traffic Stream Behavior, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1965, pp. 142-151.
- Dion, F.; Rakha, H. (2006), Estimating Dynamic Roadway Travel Times using Automatic Vehicle Identification Data for Low Sampling Rates, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol. 40B, pp. 745-766.
- Jeihani, M.; Ahn, K.*; Hobeika, A.; Sherali, H.; Rakha, H. (2006), Comparison of TRANSIMS’ Light Duty Vehicle Emissions with On-road Emission Measurements, Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 45(1), pp. 87-100.
- Sherali, H.; Desai, J.*; Rakha, H. (2006), A Discrete Optimization Approach for Locating Automatic Vehicle Identification Readers for the Provision of Roadway Travel Times, Transportation Research: Part B, Vol. 40B, pp. 857-871.
- Rakha, H.; Zhang, Y.* (2006), Analytical Procedures for Estimating Capacity of Freeway Weaving, Merge, and Diverge Sections, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 132(8), pp. 618-628.
- Rakha, H.; Farzaneh, M.* (2006), Issues and Solutions to Macroscopic Traffic Dispersion Modeling, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 132(7), pp. 555-565.
- Farzaneh, M.*; Rakha, H. (2006), Procedures for Calibrating TRANSYT Platoon Dispersion Model, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 132(7), pp. 548-555.
- El-Shawarby, I.; Rakha, H.; Inman, V.; Davis, G. (2007), Evaluation of Driver Deceleration Behavior at Signalized Intersections, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2018, pp. 29-35.
- Rakha, H.; Pecker, C.*; Cybis, H. (2007), Procedure for Calibrating Gipps Car-Following Model, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1999, pp. 115-130.
- Rakha, H.; Ingle, A.*; Hancock, K.; Al-Kaisy, A. (2007), Estimating Truck Equivalencies for Freeway Sections, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2027, pp. 73-84.
- Rakha, H.; El-Shawarby, I.; Setti, J. (2007), Characterizing Driver Behavior on Signalized Intersection Approaches at the Onset of a Yellow-Phase Trigger, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 8(4), pp. 630-640.
- El-Shawarby, I.; Amer, A.*; Rakha, H. (2008), Driver Stopping Behavior on High-Speed Signalized Intersection Approaches, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2056, pp. 60-69.
- Medina, A.; Rakha, H.; Arafeh, M.; Dua, D.*; Abdel-Salam, A.*; Abbas, M. (2008), Safety Impacts of Access Control Standards on Crossroads in the Vicinity of Highway Interchanges, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2075, pp. 42-52.
- Ahn, K.; Rakha, H.; El-Shawarby, I. (2008), Environmental Impacts of Catalytic Converter Malfunctions, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2058, pp.79-78.
- Rakha, H.; Farzaneh, M.*; Arafeh, M.; Sterzin, E. (2008), Inclement Weather Impacts on Freeway Traffic Stream Behavior, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2071, pp. 8-18.
- Rakha, H.; Amer, A.*; El-Shawarby, I. (2008), Modeling Driver Behavior within Signalized Intersection Approach Decision-Dilemma Zone, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2069, pp. 16-25.
- Ahn, K.; Rakha, H. (2008), The Effects of Route Choice Decisions on Vehicle Energy Consumption and Emissions, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 13, pp. 151-167.
- Rakha, H.; Arafeh, M. (2009), Calibrating Steady-State Traffic Stream and Car-following Models using Loop Detector Data, Transportation Science, 44(2).
- Yao, J.; Rakha, H.; Teng, H.; Kwigizile, V.; Kaseko, M. (2009), Estimating Highway Capacity Considering Two-Regime Models, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 135(9), pp. 670-676.
- Rakha, H. (2009), Validation of Van Aerde’s Simplified Steady-state Car-following and Traffic Stream Model, Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 1(3), pp. 227-244.
- Rakha, H.; Wang, W.* (2009), Procedure for Calibrating Gipps Car-Following Model, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, n 2124, pp. 113-124.
- Ahn, K.; Rakha, H. (2009), Energy and Environmental Assessment of High-Speed Roundabouts, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, n 2123, pp. 54-65.
- Park, S.*; Rakha, H. (2009), Environmental Impacts of High-Emitting Vehicles, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, n 2123, pp. 97-108.
- Wu, N.; Rakha, H. (2009), Derivation of Van Aerde Traffic Stream Model from Tandem-Queueing Theory, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, n 2124, pp. 18-27.
- Katz, B.*; Coffey, P.; Rakha, H. (2009), Analysis of Enforcement Techniques for DWI Checkpoints and Their Impact on Traffic Operations, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2096, pp. 98-101.
- Ahn, K.; Rakha, H. (2009), A Field Evaluation Case Study of the Environmental and Energy Impacts of Traffic Calming, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 14(6), pp. 411-424.
- Sung, K.; Rakha, H. (2009), A Genetic Algorithm for Trip Distribution and Traffic Assignment from Traffic Counts in Stochastic User Equilibrium, International Journal of Management Science, Vol. 15(1), pp. 51-69.
- Rakha, H.; Pasumarthy, P.*; Adjerid, S. (2009), A Simplified Behavioral Vehicle Longitudinal Motion Model, Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 1(2), pp. 95-110.
- Guo, F.; Rakha, H.; Park, S.* (2010), Multistate Model for Travel Time Reliability, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, n 2188, pp. 46-54.
- Park, S.*; Rakha, H.; Guo, F. (2010), Calibration Issues for Multistate Model of Travel Time Reliability, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, n 2188, pp. 74-84.
- Rakha, H.; El-Shawarby, I.; Arafeh, M. (2010), Trip Travel-Time Reliability: Issues and Proposed Solutions, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning and Operations, Vol. 14(4), pp. 232-250.
- Zohdy, I.*; Sadek, S.; Rakha, H. (2010), Empirical Analysis of Wait Time and Rain Intensity Effects on Driver Left-Turn Gap Acceptance Behavior, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, n 2173, pp. 1-10.
- Rakha, H.; Fitch, G.; Arafeh, M.; Blanco, M.; Hanowski, R. (2010), Evaluation of Safety Benefits from a Heavy-Vehicle Forward Collision Warning System, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2194, pp. 44-54.
- Rakha, H.; Ahn, K.; Moran, K.; Saerens, B.*; Van den Bulck, E. (2011), Virginia Tech Comprehensive Power-based Fuel Consumption Model: Model Development and Testing, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
- Donoughe, K.*; Rakha, H.; Swanson, W.; Park, S.; Bryson, J. (2011), Development of Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Bed for Evaluating Truck Safety Systems, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board [1], No. 2265, pp. 43-53.
- Park, S.; Rakha, H.; Alfelor, R.; Yang, D.; Krechmer, D. (2011), Empirical Study of Impact of Icy Roadway Surface Condition on Driver Car-Following Behavior, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.[2], No. 2260, pp. 140-151.
- Zohdy, I.*; Rakha, H.; Alfelor, R.; Yang, D.; Krechmer, D. (2011), Impact of Inclement Weather on Left-Turn Gap Acceptance Behavior of Drivers, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2257, pp. 51-61.
- Amer, A.*; Rakha, H.; El-Shawarby, I. (2011), Agent-based Stochastic Modeling of Driver Decision at the Onset of a Yellow Indication at Signalized Intersections, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2241, pp. 68-77.
- El-Shawarby, I.; Rakha, H.; Amer, A.*; McGhee, C. (2011), Impact of Driver and Surrounding Traffic Impact on Vehicle Deceleration Behavior at the Onset of a Yellow Indication, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2248, pp. 10-20.
- Rakha, H.; Yue, H.*; Dion, F. (2011), VT-Meso Model Framework for Estimating Hot Stabilized Light Duty Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emission Rates, Canadian Journal for Civil Engineers (CJCE), 38:(11), pp. 1274-1286,
- Faris, W.; Rakha, H.; Kafafy, R.; Idres, M.; Elmoselhy, S.* (2012), Analytical Modelling of Supercharging Diesel Radial Centrifugal Compressors with Vanes-Based Diffuser, International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology (IJAET), Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 84-106, ISSN: 2231-1963.
- Amer, A.*; Rakha, H.; El-Shawarby, I. (2012), Novel Stochastic Procedure for Designing Yellow Intervals at Signalized Intersections, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 138(6), June 2012, ISSN 0733-947X, pp. 751-759.
- Rakha, H.; Arafeh, M.; Park, S. (2012), Modeling Inclement Weather Impacts on Traffic Stream Behavior, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 25-48.
- Rakha, H.; Ahn, K.; Faris, W.; Moran, K. (2012), Simple Vehicle Powertrain Model for Modeling Intelligent Vehicle Applications, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 13(2), June 2012, ISSN 1524-9050, pp. 770-780.
- Li, H.*; Rakha, H.; El-Shawarby, I. (2012), Designing Yellow Intervals for Rainy and Wet Roadway Conditions, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol. 1, no. 2, ISSN 1475 472 X, pp. 171-189.
- Yin, W.*; Murray-Tuite, P.; Rakha, H. (2012), Imputing Erroneous Data of Single-Station Loop Detectors for Non-incident Conditions: Comparison between Temporal and Spatial Methods, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning and Operations, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp. 159-176.
- Rakha, H.; Ahn, K.; Moran, K., (2012), INTEGRATION Framework for Modeling Eco-routing Strategies: Logic and Preliminary Results, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 259-274.[3]
- Park, S.; Rakha, H.; Ahn, K.; Moran, K.; Saerens, B.*; Van den Bulck, E., (2012), Predictive Eco-cruise Control System: Model Logic and Preliminary Testing, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2270, pp. 113-123,
- Tawfik, A.*; Rakha, H. (2012), Network Route-Choice Evolution in a Real-Life Experiment: A Necessary Shift from Network to Driver Oriented Modeling, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2322, pp. 70-81.
- Park, S.; Donoughe, K.*; Rakha, H. (2012), Safety Benefits of Stability Control Systems for Tractor-Semitrailers Using Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2281, pp. 99-108.
- Zohdy, I.*; Rakha, H. (2012), Framework for Intersection Decision Support in Adverse Weather Conditions: Use of Case-Based Reasoning Algorithm, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2324, pp. 20-28.
- Guo, F.; Li, Q.*; Rakha, H. (2012), Multistate Travel Time Reliability Models with Skewed Component Distributions, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2315, pp. 47-53.
- Zohdy, I.*; Rakha, H. (2012), Agent-Based Framework for Modeling Driver Left-Turn Gap Acceptance Behavior at Signalized Intersections, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2316, pp. 1-10.
- Du, M.*; Cheng, L.; Rakha, H. (2012), Sensitivity Analysis of Combined Distribution-Assignment Model with Applications, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2284, pp. 10-20.
- Bish, D.; Chamberlayne, E.*; Rakha, H. (2012), Optimizing Network Flows with Congestion-based Flow Reductions, Networks and Spatial Economics, 1566-113X, pp. 1-24.
- Chamberlayne, E.*; Rakha, H.; Bish D. (2012), Modeling the Capacity Drop Phenomenon at Freeway Bottlenecks using the INTEGRATION Software, Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 4(4), pp. 227-242.
- Saerens, B.*; Rakha, H.; Ahn, K.; Van den Bulck, E. (2013), Assessment of Alternative Polynomial Fuel Consumption Models for use in ITS Applications, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations,
- Saerens, B.*; Rakha, H.A.; Diehl, M.; Van den Bulck, E. (2013), A methodology for assessing eco-cruise control for passenger vehicles, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 19, pp. 20-27, ISSN 1361-9209.
- Tawfik, A.*; Rakha, H. (2013), Latent Class Choice Model of Heterogeneous Drivers' Route Choice Behavior Based on Learning in a Real-World Experiment, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. No. 2334, pp. 84-94.
- Litsas, S.; Rakha, H. (2013), Evaluation of Continuous Green T-Intersections on Isolated Under-Saturated Four-Lane Highways, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2348, pp. 19-29.
- El-Shawarby, I.; Abdel-Salam, A.*; Rakha, H. (2013), Evaluation of Driver Perception-Reaction Time under Rainy or Wet Roadway Conditions at Onset of Yellow Indication, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2384 (1), pp. 18-24.
- Sangster, J.*; Rakha, H.; Du, J. (2013), Application of Naturalistic Driving Data to the Modeling of Driver Car-following Behavior, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2390.
- Ahn, K.; Rakha, H.; Park, S. (2013), Ecodrive Application: Algorithmic Development and Preliminary Testing, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2341, Vol. 2, pp. 1-11.
- Gibbons, R.; Medina-Flintsch, A.; Williams, B.; Du, J.; Rakha, H. (2013), Evaluation of Impact of Modern Headlamp Technology on Design Criteria for Sag Vertical Curves, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2384 (1), pp. 65-73.
- Zohdy, I.*; Rakha, H. (2013), Enhancing Roundabout Operations via Vehicle Connectivity, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2381 (2), pp. 91-100.
- Du, J.; Rakha, H.; Sangster, J.* (2013), Can Electricity Powered Vehicles Serve Traveler Needs?, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 123-140.
- Park, S.; Rakha, H.; Ahn, K.; Moran, K. (2013), Fuel Economy Impacts of Manual, Conventional Cruise Control, and Predictive Eco-Cruise Control Driving, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 227-242.
- Ahn, K.; Rakha, H. (2013), Network-wide Impacts of Eco-routing Strategies: A Large-scale Case Study, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 25, December, pp. 119-130.
- Park, S.; Rakha, H.; Ahn, K.; Moran, K. (2013), Virginia Tech Comprehensive Power-based Fuel Consumption Model (VT-CPFM): Model Validation and Calibration Considerations, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 317-336.
- Faris, W.F.; Rakha, H.A.; Elmoselhy, S.* (2014), Supercharged Diesel Powertrain Intake Manifold Analytical Model, International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, 9(1), pp. 1-35.
- Faris, W.F.; Rakha, H.A.; Elmoselhy, S.* (2014), Impact of Intelligent Transportation Systems on Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emission Modelling: An Overview, SAE Transactions: International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 7 (1), pp. 129-146.
- Faris, W.F.; Rakha, H.A.; Elmoselhy, S.* (2014), Analytical Model of Diesel Engines Exhaust NOx Emission Rate, International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, vol. 9, no. 3/4, pp. 264-280.
- Zohdy, I.*; Rakha, H. (2014), Intersection Management via Vehicle Connectivity: The iCACC System Concept, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations. Vol. 20(1).
- Kamalanathsharma, R.*; Rakha, H. (2014), Leveraging Connected Vehicle Technology and Telematics to Enhance Vehicle Fuel Efficiency in the Vicinity of Signalized Intersections, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations. Volume 20, Issue 1: Cyber Transportation Systems and Connected Vehicle Research.
- Chen, H.*; Rakha, H. (2014), Real-time travel time prediction using particle filtering with a non-explicit state-transition model, Transportation Research: Part C, Vol. 43(1), pp. 112-126.
- Elhenawy, M.*; Chen, H.*; Rakha, H. (2014), Dynamic Travel Time Prediction using Genetic Programming, Transportation Research: Part C, Vol. 42, p82-98.
- Elhenawy, M.*; Rakha, H.; El-Shawarby I. (2014), Enhanced Modeling of Driver Stop-or-Run Actions at a Yellow Indication: Use of Historical Behavior and Machine Learning Methods, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2423, pp. 24-34.
- Edwardes, W.*; Rakha, H. (2014), Virginia Tech Comprehensive Power-Based Fuel Consumption Model: Modeling Diesel and Hybrid Buses, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2428, pp. 1-9.
- Ahn, K.; Rakha, H. (2014), Ecolane Applications: Preliminary Testing and Evaluation, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2427, pp. 41-53.
- Kamalanathsharma, R. K.*; Rakha, H. A. (2014). Agent-Based Simulation of Ecospeed-Controlled Vehicles at Signalized Intersections, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2427(1), pp. 1-12.
- Rakha, H.; Baird, M.*; El-Shawarby, I. (2014), Designing Traffic Signal Yellow and Change Intervals Considering Truck Impacts, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2438, pp. 33-44.
- Fadhloun, K.*; Rakha, H.; Loulizi A. (2014), Comprehensive Framework for Estimating Moving Bottleneck Traffic Stream Passing Rates, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2422, pp. 61-70.
- Fadhloun, K.*; Rakha, H.; Loulizi, A. (2014), Impact of Underlying Steady-State Fundamental Diagram on Moving Bottleneck Passing Rates using a Second-Order Traffic Model, Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, 2014, pp 185-196.
- Tawfik, A.*; Rakha, H. (2014), Can We Model Driver Perceptions? An In-Situ Experiment in Real-World Conditions, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 149-166.
- Du, M.*; Cheng, L.; Jiang, X.; Rakha, H.A. (2014), Modeling and Estimating the Capacity of Urban Transportation Network with Rapid Transit, Transport, Vol. 29(2), pp. 165-174.
- Faris, W.F.; Rakha, H.A.; Elmoselhy, S.A.M.* (2014), Analytical model of diesel engines exhaust NOx emission rate, International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, vol. 9, no. 3/4.
- Elmoselhy, S.A.M.*; Faris, W.F.; Rakha, H.A. (2014), Experimentally Validated Analytical Modeling of Diesel Exhaust HC Emission Rate, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 10, pp. 4139-4149.
- Faris, W.; Rakha, H.; Elmoselhy, S.* (2014), Analytical Modelling of Diesel Powertrain Fuel System and Consumption Rate, SAE Int. J. Mater. Manf. 8(1):139-152, 2015.
- Sangster, J.*; Rakha H. (2014), Enhancing and Calibrating the Rakha-Pasumarthy-Adjerid Car-Following Model using Naturalistic Driving Data, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 229-248.
- Hassan, A.*; Rakha, H. (2015), A Fully-Distributed Heuristic Algorithm for Control of Autonomous Vehicle Movements at Isolated Intersections, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol. 3(4), pp. 297-310.
- Kamalanathsharma, R.*; Rakha, H.; Zohdy, I.* (2015), Survey on In-vehicle Technology Use: Results and Findings, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol. 4(2), pp. 135-150.
- Jahangiri, A.*; Rakha, H. (2015), Machine Learning Transportation Mode Recognition using Mobile Phone Sensor Data, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- J-137. Kamalanathsharma, R.*; Rakha, H.; Yang, H. (2015), Network-wide Impacts of Vehicle Eco-Speed Control in the Vicinity of Traffic Signalized Intersections, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2503, pp. 90-99.
- Ong, B.T*.; Rakha, H.; El-Shawarby, I. (2015), Designing Traffic Signal Clearance Intervals Considering Bus Impacts, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2492, on pages 33-45.
- Edwardes, W.*; Rakha, H. (2015), Modeling Diesel and Hybrid Bus Fuel Consumption with Virginia Tech Comprehensive Power-Based Fuel Consumption Model: Model Enhancements and Calibration Issues, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2533, pp. 100-108.
- Fadhloun, K.*; Rakha, H.; Loulizi, A.; Abdelkefi, A. (2015), A Vehicle Dynamics Model for Estimating Typical Vehicle Accelerations, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2491, pp. 61-71.
- Bryant, C.*; Rakha, H.; El-Shawarby, I. (2015), Study of Truck Driver Behavior at the Onset of a Yellow Traffic Signal Indication for the Design of Yellow Timings, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2488, pp. 62-70.
- Park, S.; Ahn, K.; Rakha, H.; Lee, C.* (2015), Real-Time Emission Modeling with EPA MOVES: Framework Development and Preliminary Investigation, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2503, pp. 60-69.
- Elhenawy, M.*; Rakha, H. (2015), Automatic Congestion Identification with Two-Component Mixture Models, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2489, pp. 11–19.
- Elhenawy, M.*; Jahangiri, A.; Rakha, H.; El-Shawarby, I. (2015), Modeling Driver Stop/Run Behavior at the Onset of a Yellow Indication Considering Driver Run Tendency and Roadway Surface Conditions, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 83, October 2015, pp. 90-100.
- Drira, W.; Ahn, K.; Rakha, H.A.; Filali F. (2015), Development and Testing of a 3G/LTE Adaptive Data Collection System in Vehicular Networks, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 17, No. 1.
- Du, J.; Rakha, H.; Gayah, V. (2015), Deriving Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams from Probe Data: Issues and Proposed Solutions, Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 66, pp. 136-149. DOI:10.1016/j.trc.2015.08.015.
- Jahangiri, A.*; Rakha, H.; Dingus, T. (2015), Developing a System Architecture for Cyclist Violation Prediction Models Incorporating Naturalistic Cycling Data, Procedia Manufacturing, Volume 3, pp. 5543-5550.
- Elhenawy, M.*; Jahangiri, A.*; Rakha, H.; El-Shawarby, I. (2015), Classification of Driver Stop/Run Behavior at the Onset of a Yellow Indication for Different Vehicles and Roadway Surface Conditions using Historical Behavior, Procedia Manufacturing, Volume 3, pp. 858-865.
- Vreeswijk, J.*; Rakha, H.; Van Berkum, E. (2015), Analysis of Inertial Choice Behaviour based Expected and Experienced Savings from a Real-World Route Choice Experiment, International Journal of Transportation. Vol. 3, No.3, pp.11-28.
- Fiori, C.; Ahn, K.; Rakha, H.A. (2016), "Power-based Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption Model: Model Development and Validation," Journal of Applied Energy, Vol. 168, pp. 257-268.
- Wang, J.*; Rakha, H. (2016), Hybrid-Electric Bus Fuel Consumption Modeling: Model Development and Comparison with Conventional Buses, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
- Venkat Ala, M.*; Yang, H.; Rakha, H. (2016), A Modeling Evaluation of Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in the Vicinity of Signalized Intersections, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
- Ahn, K.; Rakha, H.; Kang, K.*; Govindarajan, V. (2016), Multimodal Intelligent Transportation Signal System Simulation Model Development and Assessment, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
- Wang, J.*; Rakha, H. (2016), Fuel consumption model for conventional diesel buses, Journal of Applied Energy, Volume 170, pp. 394–402.
- Li, X.; Ma, J.; Shladover, S.; Rakha, H.; Lu, X.Y.; Jagannathan, R.; Dailey, D.J. (2016), Freeway Speed Harmonization, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.
- Elmoselhy, S.*; Faris, W.; Rakha, H. (2016), Experimentally validated analytical modeling of diesel engine power and in-cylinder gas speed dynamics, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Volume 30, Issue 10, pp 4725–4734.
- Faris, W.; Rakha, H.; Elmoselhy, S.* (2016), Validated Analytical Modeling of Diesel Engine Regulated Exhaust CO Emission Rate, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, Vol. 8(6), pp. 1–15.
- Jahangiri, A.*; Rakha, H.; Dingus, T. (2016), Red-light Running Violation Prediction using Observational and Simulator Data, Accident Analysis and Prevention.
- Chen, H.*; Rakha, H. (2016), Multi-step Prediction of Experienced Travel Times using Agent-based Modeling, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 71, October 2016, pp. 108–121.
- Yang, H.; Rakha, H.; Venkat Ala, M.* (2016), Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control at Signalized Intersections Considering Queue Effects, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 18(6), pp. 1575-1585.
- Abdelghaffar, M.*; Yang, H.; Rakha, H. A. (2017), Isolated Traffic Signal Control using Nash Bargaining Optimization. Global Journal of Research In Engineering, 16(1).
- Abdelghaffar, H.*; Woolsey, C.; Rakha, H. (2017), Comparison of Three Approaches to Atmospheric Source Localization, Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, Vol. 14(1).
- Fadhloun, K.*; Rakha, H.; Loulizi, A. (2017), Analysis of Moving Bottlenecks Considering a Triangular Fundamental Diagram, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 186-199.
- Wang, J.*; Rakha, H. (2017), Convex Fuel Consumption Model for Diesel and Hybrid Buses, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2647.
- Abdelmegeed, M.*; Rakha H. (2017), Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck Emission Modeling, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2627.
- Almannaa, M.*; Chen, H.; Rakha, H.; Loulizi, A.; El-Shawarby, I. (2017), Reducing Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Delay at Signalized Intersections: Controlled-Field Evaluation of Effectiveness of Infrastructure-to-Vehicle Communication, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2621.
- Kang, K.*; Rakha, H. (2017), A Game Theoretical Approach to Model Decision Making for Merging Maneuvers at Freeway On-Ramps, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2623.
- Wang, J.*; Rakha, H. (2017), Electric Train Energy Consumption Modeling, Journal of Applied Energy, Vol. 193, pp. 346-355.
- Yang, H.*; Rakha, H. (2017), Feedback Control Speed Harmonization Algorithm: Methodology and Preliminary Testing, Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 81, pp. 209-226.
- Elhenawy, M.; Rakha, H. (2017), Spatiotemporal Traffic State Prediction Based on Discriminatively Pre-trained Deep Neural Networks, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, Vol. 2(3), pp. 678-686.
- Wang, J.*; Rakha, H. (2017), Fuel Consumption Model for Heavy Duty Diesel Trucks: Model Development and Testing, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 55, pp. 127-141.
- Wang, J.*; Rakha, H.; Fadhloun, K.* (2017), Validation of the Rakha-Pasumarthy-Adjerid Model for Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emission Estimation Applications, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 55, pp. 246-261.
- Elmoselhy, S.*; Faris, W.; Rakha, H. (2017), Validated analytical modelling of supercharging centrifugal compressors with vaneless diffusers for H2-biodiesel dual-fuel engines with cooled EGR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
- Fadhloun, K.*; Rakha, H.A.; Loulizi, A. (2017), Macroscopic Analysis of Moving Bottlenecks, Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research.
- Loulizi, A.; Rakha, H.A.; Bichiou, Y. (2018), Quantifying Grade Effects on Vehicle Fuel Consumption for use in Sustainable Highway Design, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation.
- Fiori, C.; Ahn, K.; Rakha, H. (2018), Optimum Routing of Battery Electric Vehicles: Insights using Empirical Data and Microsimulation, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
- Wang, J.*; Rakha, H.A. (2018), Longitudinal Train Dynamics Model for a Rail Transit Simulation System, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. Vol. 86, pp. 111-123.
- Kang, K.*; Rakha, H.A. (2018), Modeling Driver Merging Behavior: A Repeated Game Theoretical Approach, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
- Fiori, C.; Ahn, K.; Rakha, H.A. (2018), Microscopic Series Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption Model: Model Development and Validation, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 63, August 2018, pp. 175–185.
- Bichiou, Y.; Rakha, H.A. (2018), Developing an Optimal Intersection Control System for Automated Connected Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 20(5), pp. 1908-1916.
- Yang, H.*; Rakha, H. (2019), A Novel Approach for Estimation of Dynamic from Static Origin-Destination Matrices, Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 11(4), pp. 219-228.
- Bichiou, Y.; Rakha, H.A. (2019), Real-Time Optimal Intersection Control System for Cooperative Automated Vehicles, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol. 8, pp. 1-12.
- Conde Bento, L.*; Rakha, H.A.; Nunes, U. (2019), A Study of the Environmental Impacts of Intelligent Automated Vehicle Control at Intersections via V2V and V2I Communications, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations, pp. 1-19.
- Mazied, E.*; ElNainay, M.; Abdel-Rahman, M.; Midkiff, S.; Rizk, M.; Rakha, H.A.; MacKenzie, A. (2019), The Wireless Control Plane: An Overview and Directions for Future Research, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 126, pp. 104-122.
- Ashqar, H.*, Almannaa, M.*, Elhenawy, M., Rakha, H.A. and House, L. (2019), "Smartphone Transportation Mode Recognition Using a Hierarchical Machine Learning Classifier and Pooled Features from Time and Frequency Domains," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 20(1), pp. 244-252.
- Dehkordi, S.*; Laruea, G.; Cholette, M.; Rakotonirainya, A.; Rakha, H.A. (2019), Ecological and Safe Driving: A Model Predictive Control Approach Considering Spatial and Temporal Constraints, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 67, pp. 208-222.
- Almannaa, M.*; Chen, H.; Rakha, H.A.; Loulizi, A; El-Shawarby, I. (2019), Field Implementation and Testing of an Automated Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System in the Vicinity of Signalized Intersections, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 67, pp. 244-262.
- Almannaa, M.*; Elhenawy, M.; Rakha, H.A. (2019), Identifying Optimum Bike Station Initial Conditions using Markov Chain Modeling, Transport Findings.
- Elbery, A.*; Rakha, H.A. (2019), City-wide Eco-routing Navigation Considering Vehicular Communication Impacts, Sensors, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 290.
- Ashqar, H.I.*; Elhenawy, M.; Rakha, H.A. (2019), Modeling Bike Counts in a Bike-Sharing System Considering the Effect of Weather Conditions, Case Studies on Transport Policies.
- Du, J.*; Rakha, H.A. (2019), Constructing a Network Fundamental Diagram: A Synthetic Origin-Destination Approach, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2673(7), pp. 478-488.
- Wang, J.*; Elbery, A.*; Rakha, H.A. (2019), A Vehicle-Specific Eco-Routing Model for Real-Time On-board Navigation Applications Capturing Transient Vehicle Behavior, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. Vol. 104, pp. 1-21.
- Loulizi, A.; Bichiou, Y.*; Rakha, H.A. (2019), Steady State Car-Following Time Gaps: An Empirical Study Using Naturalistic Driving Data, Journal of Advanced Transportation. Vol. 2019.
- Fadhloun, K.*; Rakha, H.A. (2019), A Novel Vehicle Dynamics and Human Behavior Car-Following Model: Model Development and Preliminary Testing, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology.
- Abdelghaffar, H.*; Rakha, H.A. (2019), A Novel Decentralized Game-theoretic Adaptive Traffic Signal Controller: Large-scale Testing, Sensors, Vol. 19(10), 2282.
- Calle-Laguna, A.*; Du, J.; Rakha, H.A. (2019), Computing Optimum Traffic Signal Cycle Length Considering Vehicle Delay and Fuel Consumption, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Vol. 3.
- Mohan, S.; Rakha, H.A.; Klenk, M. (2019), Acceptable Planning: Influencing Individual Behavior to Reduce Transportation Energy Expenditure of a City, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. Vol. 66, pp. 555-587.
- Alhadidi, T.*; Rakha, H.A. (2019), Modeling of Bus Passenger Boarding/Alighting Times: A Stochastic Approach, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
- Aljamal, M.*; Abdelghaffar, H.*; Rakha, H.A. (2019), Developing a Neural–Kalman Filtering Approach for Estimating Traffic Stream Density Using Probe Vehicle Data, Sensors, 19(19), 4325;
- Abdelghaffar, H.*; Rakha, H.A. (2019), Development and Testing of a Novel Game Theoretic De-centralized Traffic Signal Controller, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- Park, S.*; Ahn, K.*; Rakha, H.A. (2019), Environmental Impact of Freight Signal Priority with Connected Trucks, Sustainability.
- Loulizi, A.; Bichiou, Y.; Rakha, H.A. (2019), Use of Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Multiple Criteria Decision Aid Tools for Designing Road Vertical Profiles, Sustainability.
- Almannaa, M.*; Elhenawy, M.; Rakha, H.A. (2020), A Novel Supervised Clustering Algorithm for Transportation System Applications, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 21(1), pp. 222-232.
- Almannaa, M.*; Elhenawy, M.; Rakha, H.A. (2020), Dynamic Linear Models to Predict Bike Availability in a Bike Sharing System, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Vol. 14(3), pp. 232-242.
- Wang, J.*; Ghanem, A.*; Rakha, H.A.; Du, J. (2020), A Rail Transit Simulation System for Multi-modal Energy-efficient Routing Applications, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation.
- Aljamal, M.*; Abdelghaffar, H.*; Rakha, H.A. (2020), Real-time Estimation of Vehicle Counts on Signalized Intersection Approaches Using Probe Vehicle Data, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- Yang, H.*; Almutairi, F.*; Rakha, H.A. (2020), Eco-Driving at Signalized Intersections: A Multiple Signal Optimization Approach, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- Bichiou, Y.*; Elouni, M.*; Abdelghaffar, H.*; Rakha, H.A. (2020), Sliding Mode Network Perimeter Control, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- Kang, K.*; Rakha, H.A. (2020), A Repeated Game Freeway Lane Changing Model, Sensors, 20(6), 1554;
- Elbakary, M.; Abdelghaffar, H.*; Afrifa, K.; Rakha, H.A.; Cetin, M.; Iftekharuddin, K. (2020), Aerosol tracking using lidar-based atmospheric profiling and Bayesian estimation, Optics & Laser Technology, Vol. 128.
- Osman, O.*; Rakha H.A. (2020), Characterization of Drivers’ Engagement in Secondary Tasks: Application of Deep Learning for Data-Driven In-Vehicle Systems, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
- Chen, H.*; Rakha H.A. Battery Electric Vehicle Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in the Vicinity of Signalized Intersections. Energies 2020, 13(10), 2433.
- Abdelghaffar, H.*; Elouni, M.*; Bichiou, Y.*; Rakha, H.A. Development of a Connected Vehicle Dynamic Freeway Sliding Mode Variable Speed Controller. IEEE Access 2020, pp. 1-8.
- Ahn, K.*; Rakha, H.A.; Park, S.* Eco Look-Ahead Control of Battery Electric Vehicles and Roadway Grade Impacts. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2020, Vol. 2674(10), pp. 429-437.
- Wang, J.*; Rakha H.A. Empirical Study of Effect of Dynamic Travel Time Information on Driver Route Choice Behavior. Sensors 2020, Vol. 20(11), 3257.
- Ahn, K.*; Park, S.*; Rakha, H.A. Impact of Intersection Control on Battery Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption. Energies 2020, 13, 3190.
- Aljamal, M.*; Abdelghaffar, H.*; Rakha, H.A. Estimation of Traffic Stream Density Using Connected Vehicle Data: Linear and Nonlinear Filtering Approaches. Sensors 2020, 20(15), 4066.
- Du, J.; Rakha H.A. Preliminary Investigation of COVID-19 Impact on Transportation System Delay, Energy Consumption and Emission Levels. Transport Findings 2020, July.
- Ahangari, S.; Jeihani, M.; Chen, H.; Rakha H.A. Investigating the Impact of an Eco-Speed-Control System for Hybrid Electric Vehicles on Driver’s Behavior using a Driving Simulator, International Journal of Current Research 2020.
- Elhenawy, M.*; Ashqar, H.I.*; Masoud, M.; Almannaa, M.H.; Rakotonirainy, A.; Rakha H.A. Deep Transfer Learning for Vulnerable Road Users Detection using Smartphone Sensors Data. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(21), 3508;
- Du, J.*; Rakha, H.A. COVID-19 Impact on Ride-hailing: The Chicago Case Study, Findings 2020, October.
- Du, J.*; Rakha, H.A.; Filali, F.; Eldardiry, H. COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on Traffic System Delay, Fuel Consumption and Emissions. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 2020,
- J-223. Aljamal, M.*; Farag, M.*; Rakha, H.A. Developing Data-Driven Approaches for Traffic Density Estimation using Connected Vehicle Data. IEEE Access 2020.
- J-224. Elbery, A.*; Hassanein, H.; Zorba, N.; Rakha, H.A., IoT-Based Crowd Management Framework for Departure Control and Navigation. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2020.
- J-225. Almannaa, M.*; Ashqar, H.*; Elhenawy, M.*; Masoud, M.; Rakotonirainy, A.; Rakha H.A. A Comparative Analysis of E-Scooter and E-Bike Usage Patterns: Findings from the City of Austin, TX. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 2021. 15:7, pp. 571-579.
- Elouni, M.*; Abdelghaffar, H.M.*; Rakha, H.A. Adaptive Traffic Signal Control: Game-Theoretic Decentralized vs. Centralized Perimeter Control. Sensors 2021, 21, 274.
- Elmoselhy, S.*; Faris, W.; Rakha H.A. Validated Analytical Modeling of Diesel Engines Intake Manifold with a Flexible Crankshaft, Energies, 2021, 14, 1287.
- Eteifa, S*; Rakha, HA; Eldardiry, H. Predicting Coordinated Actuated Traffic Signal Change Times using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks. Transportation Research Record, 2675(9), March 2021.
- Elhenawy, M.*; Rakha, H.A.; Ashqar, H.I.* Joint Impact of Rain and Incidents on Traffic Stream Speeds", Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2021, pp. 12, 2021.
- Farag, M.M.G.*; Rakha, H.A.; Mazied, E.A.; Rao, J. INTEGRATION Large-Scale Modeling Framework of Direct Cellular Vehicle-to-All (C-V2X) Applications. Sensors, 2021, 21, 2127.
- Elhenawy, M.*; Komol, M.R.; Masoud, M.; Liu, S.; Ashqar, H.I.*; Almannaa, M.H.*; Rakha, H.A.; Rakotonirainy, A. A Novel Crowdsourcing Model for Micro-Mobility Ride-Sharing Systems. Sensors 2021, 21, 4636.
- Dubljevic, V; List, G; Milojevich, J; Ajmeri, N; Bauer, WA; Singh, MP; Bardaka, E;, Birkland, TA; Edwards, C; Mayer, RC; Muntean, I; Powers, TM; Rakha, HA; Ricks, VA; Samandar, MS (2021), Toward a rational and ethical sociotechnical system of autonomous vehicles: A novel application of multi-criteria decision analysis. PLOS ONE 16(8): e0256224.
- Du, J.*; Rakha, H.A. Constructing a Network Fundamental Diagram using a Sample of Connected Vehicles and Stationary Sensors, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 12, 2021, 100471, ISSN 2590-1982,
- Ahn, K*; Bichiou, Y*; Farag, M*; Rakha, HA. Multi-objective Eco-Routing Model Development and Evaluation for Battery Electric Vehicles. Transportation Research Record. 2021; 2675(12):867-879. doi:10.1177/03611981211031529.
- Hussein, A.*; Rakha, H.A. Vehicle Platooning Impact on Drag Coefficients and Energy/Fuel Saving Implications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 1199-1208, Feb. 2022.
- Elhenawy, M.*; Rakha, H.A.; Bichiou, Y.*; Masoud, M.; Glaser, S.; Pinnow, J.; Stohy, A. A Feasible Solution for Rebalancing Large-scale Bike Sharing Systems, Sustainability, 2021.
- Du, J.*; Rakha, H.A.; Breuer, H. An In-Depth Spatiotemporal Analysis of Ride-Hailing Travel: The Chicago Case Study, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2022.
- Ahn, K.*; Rakha, H.A. Developing a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle (HFCV) Energy Consumption Model for Transportation Applications. Energies 2022, 15, 529.
- Ashqar, H.I.*; Elhenawy, M.*; Rakha, H.A.; House, L. Quality of Service Measure for Bike Sharing Systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2022.
- Chen, H.*; Rakha, H.A. Developing and Field Testing a Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory System for Buses. Energies 2022, 15, 1491.
- Bichiou, Y.*; Abdelghaffar H.*; Rakha, H.A. Integrated Speed Harmonization and Platooning of Connected Automated Vehicles: Model Development and Large-Scale System Evaluation. Springer Nature 2022.
- Elmoselhy, S.*; Faris, W.; Rakha, H.A. Validated Analytical Modelling of Eccentricity and Dynamic Displacement in Diesel Engines with Flexible Crankshaft, Energies 2022, 15(16), 6083.
- Ahn, K.*; Du, J.*; Farag, M.*; Rakha H.A. Evaluating an Eco-Cooperative Automated Control (Eco-CAC) System, Transportation Research Record 2022.
- Alazmi, A.; Rakha, H. Assessing and Validating the Ability of Machine Learning to Handle Unrefined Particle Air Pollution Mobile Monitoring Data Randomly, Spatially, and Spatiotemporally. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10098.
- Bas, J.; Zofío, J.; Cirillo, C.; Chen, H.*; Rakha, H.A., Policy and industry implications of the potential market penetration of electric vehicles with eco-cooperative adaptive cruise control, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 164, 2022, pp. 242-256, ISSN 0965-8564,
- Alrumaidhi, M.*; Rakha, H.A. Factors Affecting Crash Severity among Elderly Drivers: A Multilevel Ordinal Logistic Regression Approach. Sustainability 2022, 14, 11543.
- Suhail, A.; Cheema, M.A.; Ali, M.E.; Toosi, A.N.; Rakha, H.A. Data-Driven Approaches for Road Safety: A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review, Safety Science 2022.
- Palit, J.; Osman, O.; Rakha, H.A. Travel Patterns and Street Networks: A Novel Visualization Methodology of City-Level Traffic Flows and Network Usability, Journal of Transportation Technologies 2023, Vol.13(1).
* Student.
[1] Paper was one of six papers nominated for the Patricia Waller Award for the best safety-related paper of the year at the 2011 TRB Annual Meeting. Paper was also awarded the 2011 Best Paper Award in the TRB Truck and Bus Safety Committee.
[2] Paper was one of 6 papers nominated for the Greenshields Award at the 2011 TRB Annual Meeting.
[3] Most Cited Paper Award (2018).
- Rakha, H., M. Van Aerde, E. R. Case, and A. Ugge (1989), “Evaluating the Benefits and Interactions of Route Guidance and Traffic Control Strategies Using Simulation,” First Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems Conference (VNIS). IEEE, Piscataway NJ, USA n89CH2789-6, pp.296-303.
- Van Aerde, M. and Rakha, H. (1989), “Development and Potential of System Optimized Route Guidance Strategies,” First Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems Conference (VNIS). IEEE, Piscataway NJ, USA n89CH2789-6, pp. 304-309.
- MacKinnon, G., Rakha, H., J. A. Stewart, and M. Van Aerde (1990), “A Demonstration of the Traffic Signal Network Capabilities of the INTEGRATION Model in Downtown Kingston,” Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE) Annual Conference, Toronto, May.
- Rakha, H., M. Van Aerde, and E.R. Case (1991), "Experiments in Incremental Real-Time Optimization of Phase, Cycle, and Offset Times Using an On-Line Adaptation of TRANSYT-7F," Engineering Foundation Conference on 'Traffic Management: Issues and Techniques,' Palm Coast, Florida, April.
- Rakha, H., Van Aerde M., and Case E.R. (1992), “Real-Time Incremental Coordination of Traffic Signals Using TRANSYT-7F.” Traffic Management Proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference, ISBN 0939204487, Florida, pp. 1-24.
- Van Aerde M., B. Hellinga, L. Yu, and Rakha, H. (1993). "Vehicle Probes as Real-Time ATMS Sources of Dynamic O-D and Travel Time Data," Proceedings of the Conference on Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS), St. Petersburg, Florida, October, pp. 207-230.
- Rakha, H. and Van Aerde M. (1993), “A Comparison of Real-Time Traffic Information from Vehicle Probes and Loop Detectors,” Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE) Annual Conference, Edmonton, June, Volume 2, pp. 93-114.
- Rakha, H., M. Van Aerde, and J. Wang (1993), "A Comparison of Two Alternative Traffic Signal Simulation Models: TRANSYT and INTEGRATION," Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE) Annual Conference, Edmonton, June, pp. 315-336.
- Rilett L., Benedek C., Rakha, H., and Van Aerde M. (1994), “Evaluation of IVHS Options Using CONTRAM and INTEGRATION,” First World Congress on Applications Transport Telematics & Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems, Paris, November, pp.823-830.
- Rakha, H. and Van Aerde M. (1995), “A Comparison of Real-Time Traffic Information from Vehicle Probes and Loop Detectors,” Transportation Research Board 74th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 950806].
- Rakha, H. and Van Aerde M. (1995), “Accuracy of Vehicle Probe Estimates of Link Travel Time and Instantaneous Speed,” ITS America Conference, Ann Arbor MI, March, CD-ROM.
- Van Aerde M., Rakha, H., Porter C., and Sanchez R. (1995), “Simulation of Navigational Waste Associated with Wrong Turns for Alternate Vehicle Displays,” ITS America Conference, Ann Arbor MI, March, CD-ROM, [Paper # 133].
- Van Aerde M. and Rakha, H. (1995) “Multivariate Calibration of Single-Regime Speed-Flow-Density Relationships,” Vehicle Navigation and Information Conference (VNIS). IEEE, Piscataway NJ, USA 95CH35776, pp.334-341.
- Hellinga B., Rakha, H., and Van Aerde M. (1995), “Coupled Evaluation of Communication System Loading and ATIS/ATMS Efficiency,” Vehicle Navigation and Information Conference (VNIS). IEEE, Piscataway NJ, USA 95CH35776, pp. 286-291.
- Van Aerde M., Hellinga B., Baker M., and Rakha, H. (1996), “INTEGRATION: An Overview of Current Simulation Features,” Transportation Research Board 75th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January.
- Rakha, H., Hellinga M., and Van Aerde M. (1996), “Systematic Verification, Validation and Calibration of Traffic Simulation Models,” Transportation Research Board 75th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 961153].
- Ahn K., Trani A.A., Rakha, H., and Van Aerde M. (1999), “Microscopic Fuel Consumption and Energy Emission Models,” Transportation Research Board 78th Annual Meeting, January, CD-ROM, [Paper # 99-1431].
- Dion F., Van Aerde M., and Rakha, H. (2000), “Mesoscopic Fuel Consumption and Vehicle Emission Rate Estimation as a Function of Average Speed and Number of Stops,” Transportation Research Board 79th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 00-1134].
- Rakha, H., Medina A., Sin H.*, Dion F., Van Aerde M., and Jenq J. (2000), “Coordination of Traffic Signals Across Jurisdictional Boundaries: Field and Simulation Results,” Transportation Research Board 79th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 00-1560].
- Dion F., Rakha, H., and Zhang Y. (2002), “Evaluation of Transit Signal Priority Benefits along a Fixed-Time Signalized Arterial,” Transportation Research Board 81st Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January, CD-ROM [Paper # 02-2137].
- Dion F. and Rakha, H. (2003), “Estimating Spatial Travel Times using Automatic Vehicle Identification Data.” Transportation Research Board 82nd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper # 03-2209].
- Sherali H., Desai J.*, Rakha, H., and El-Shawarby I. (2003), A Discrete Optimization Approach for Locating Automatic Vehicle Identification Readers for the Provision of Roadway Travel Times.” Transportation Research Board 82nd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper # 03-2596].
- Al-Kaisy A., Bhatt J., and Rakha, H. (2003), Modeling the Effect of Heavy Vehicles on Sign Visibility at Multilane Highways. Transportation Research Board 82nd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper # 03-2669].
- Al-Kaisy A., Bhatt J., and Rakha, H. (2003), “Assessing the Effect of Heavy Vehicles on the Visibility of Traffic Signs at Multilane Highways.” Transportation Research Board 82nd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January, CD-ROM [Paper # 03-2691].
- Katz B.*, Rakha, H., and Al-Kaisy A. (2003), “A Modeling Framework and Case Study Evaluation of Weigh Station Operations.” Transportation Research Board 82nd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January, CD-ROM [Paper # 03-2592].
- Rakha, H., Ahn K.*, and Trani A. (2003), “The VT-Micro Framework for Modeling of Hot Stabilized Light Duty Vehicle and Truck Emissions.” Transportation Research Board 82nd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January, CD-ROM [Paper # 03-2290].
- Rakha, H., Katz, B., Al-Kaisy, A.; (2003), “Field evaluation of weigh-in-motion screening on truck weigh station operations,” IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, June 9-11, 10.1109/IVS.2003.1212886.
- Rakha, H. and Sidky A. (2004), Blacksburg Instrumented City Traffic Signal Data Acquisition System, 7th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), October 3-6, Washington D.C., USA, CD-ROM.
- Hellinga B., Rakha, H., and Van Aerde M. (2004), Assessing the Potential of Using Traffic Simulation Model Results for Evaluating Automatic Incident Detection Algorithms, Intelligent Transportation Systems Safety and Security Conference, Miami, 24-25 March.
- Rakha, H., Hellinga B., and Van Aerde M. (2004), Testbed for Evaluating Automatic Incident Detection Algorithms, Intelligent Transportation Systems Safety and Security Conference, Miami, 24-25 March.
- Medina A., Lee S., and Rakha, H. (2004), Case Study Operational and Safety Evaluation of an Interstate Highway, Intelligent Transportation Systems Safety and Security Conference, Miami, 24-25 March.
- Avgoustis A., Rakha, H., and Van Aerde M. (2004), Framework for Estimating Network-wide Safety Impacts of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Intelligent Transportation Systems Safety and Security Conference, Miami, 24-25 March.
- Sivanandan R. and Rakha, H. (2004), “Vehicle Aggregation Impacts on Fuel Consumption and Emission Estimates,” Accepted for Presentation at the Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 04-3372].
- Ahn K., Rakha, H., and Trani A. (2004), “VT-Micro Framework for Modeling of High Emitting Vehicles,” Accepted for Presentation at the Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 04-3435].
- Shawarby I., Ahn K., and Rakha, H. (2004), “Comparative Field Evaluation of Vehicle Cruise Speed and Acceleration Level Impacts on Hot Stabilized Emissions”, Accepted for Presentation at the Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 04-3439].
- Rakha, H., Ahn K., Shawarby I., and Jang S. (2004), “Emissions Model Development using In-vehicle On-board Emission Measurements”, Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 04-3410].
- Rakha, H. and Zhang Y. (2004), “Sensitivity Analysis of Transit Signal Priority Impacts on Operation of Isolated Signalized Intersections”, Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 04-3426].
- Arafeh M. and Rakha, H. (2005), Genetic Algorithm Approach for Locating Automatic Vehicle Identification Readers, 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Sept. 13-16, Vienna, Austria, CD-ROM [Paper FA6.1].
- Rakha, H. and Zhang W. (2005), Consistency of Shock-wave and Queuing Theory Procedures for Analysis of Roadway Bottlenecks, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 05-1763].
- El-Shawarby I., Rakha, H. and Ahn K. (2005), Impact Of Catalytic Converter on On-Road Vehicle Emissions, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 05-0825].
- Rakha, H. and Farzaneh M. (2005), Macroscopic Modeling of Traffic Dispersion: Issues and Proposed Solutions, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 05-0855].
- Farzaneh M. and Rakha, H. (2005), Calibration of TRANSYT Traffic Dispersion Model: Issues and Proposed Solutions, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 05-0860].
- Rakha, H. Paramahamsan H., and Van Aerde M. (2005), Static Maximum Likelihood Synthetic O-D Estimation Formulations, Assumptions, and Limitations, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 05-0898].
- Dion F. and Rakha, H. (2005), Integration of Transit Signal Priority Within Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Systems, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 05-0926].
- Rakha, H. and Yu B. (2005), Impact of Tire and Aerodynamic Aids on Truck Performance along Upgrade Sections, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 05-0899].
- Rakha, H. and Zhang Y. (2005), Analytical Procedures for Estimating Capacity of Type B Weaving Sections, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 05-2483].
- Zhang Y. and Rakha, H. (2005), Systematic Analysis of Capacity of Weaving Sections, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 05-0916].
- El-Shawarby I., Rakha, H., Inman V., and Davis G., (2006), “Effect of Yellow-Phase Trigger on Driver Behavior at High-Speed Signalized Intersections,” IEEE ITSC06 Conference, September 17-20, Toronto, Canada.
- Setti J.R., Rakha, H., and El-Shawarby I. (2006), “Analysis of Brake Perception-Reaction Times on High-Speed Signalized Intersection Approaches,” IEEE ITSC06 Conference, September 17-20, Toronto, Canada.
- Rakha, H., El-Shawarby I., Arafeh M., and Dion F. (2006), “Estimating Path Travel-Time Reliability,” IEEE ITSC06 Conference, September 17-20, Toronto, Canada.
- Ahn K. and Rakha, H. (2006), “System-Wide Impacts of Green Extension Transit Signal Priority,” IEEE ITSC06 Conference, September 17-20, Toronto, Canada.
- Jeihani M., Ahn K., Hobeika A., Sherali H., and Rakha, H. (2006), “Comparison of TRANSIMS' Light Duty Vehicle Emissions with On-road Emission Measurements,” 47th Annual Transportation Research Forum, March 23-25, New York, NY.
- Ahn K., Rakha, H., and Collura J. (2006), Evaluation of Green Extension Transit Signal Priority Strategies using Portable GPS Receivers, Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 06-0641].
- Rakha, H. (2006), Validation of Van Aerde’s Simplified Steady-State Car-following and Traffic Stream Model, Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 06-0424].
- Inman V., Davis G., El-Shawarby I., and Rakha, H. (2006), Field and Driving Simulator Validations of System for Warning Potential Victims of Red-Light Violators, Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 06-0390].
- Katz B., Duke D., and Rakha, H. (2006), Design and Evaluation of Peripheral Transverse Bars to Reduce Vehicle Speed, Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 06-0577].
- Ahn K. and Rakha, H. (2007), “Energy and Environmental Impacts of Driver Route Choice Decisions,” IEEE ITSC07 Conference, Sept. 30 – Oct. 3, Seattle, USA.
- Zhang W., Medina A., and Rakha, H. (2007), “Statistical Analysis of Spatiotemporal Link and Path Flow Variability,” IEEE ITSC07 Conference, Sept. 30 – Oct. 3, Seattle, USA.
- Ahn K., Rakha, H., and El-Shawarby I. (2007), “Study of Catalytic Converter Impact and Engine-out Emission Modeling using In-vehicle On-road Emission Measurements,” Second Ain Shams University International Conference on Environmental Engineering (ASCEE), Cairo, Egypt, April 10-12.
- El-Shawarby I., Rakha, H., and Ahn K. (2007), “Impact of Catalytic Converter on On-road Vehicle Emissions,” Second Ain Shams University International Conference on Environmental Engineering (ASCEE), Cairo, Egypt, April 10-12.
- Rakha, H. and Arafeh M. (2007), “Tool for Calibrating Steady-State Traffic Stream and Car-following Models,” Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, Jan. 22-25, Washington D.C.
- Rakha, H., Park S., Marr L., and Olin R. (2007), “Solutions for Enhancing Remote Sensing High Emitter Vehicle Screening Procedures,” Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, Jan. 22-25, Washington D.C.
- Flintsch A. and Rakha, H. (2007), “Characterization of Service Time and Traffic Impact of Parking Control Equipment in a University Environment,” Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, Jan. 22-25, Washington D.C.
- Ahn K. and Rakha, H. (2007), “Energy and Environmental Impacts of Route Choice Decisions,” Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, Jan. 22-25, Washington D.C.
- Rakha, H. and Yu B. (2007), “TRUCKSIM Framework for Designing Truck Climbing Lanes,” Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, Jan. 22-25, Washington D.C.
- Ahn K. and Rakha, H. (2008), “Energy and Environmental Effects of Traffic Calming Measures,” Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Jan. 13-17, Washington D.C. (Paper 08-1044).
- Park S., Rakha, H., Farzaneh M., Zietsman J., and Lee D. (2008), “Development of Fuel and Emission Models for High-Speed Heavy-Duty Trucks, Light-Duty Trucks, and Light-Duty Vehicles,” Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Jan. 13-17, Washington D.C. (Paper 08-0749).
- Park S. and Rakha, H. (2008), “Derivation of Remote Sensing Cut Points for the Screening of High-Emitting Vehicles,” Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Jan. 13-17, Washington D.C. (Paper 08-0747).
- Katz B. and Rakha, H. (2008), “Determination of Effective Design of Peripheral Transverse Bars to Reduce Speeds on a Controlled Roadway,” Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Jan. 13-17, Washington D.C. (Paper 08-1253).
- Katz B., Molino J., and Rakha, H. (2008), “Evaluation of Design Alternatives of Peripheral Transverse Bars to Reduce Vehicle Speeds and Center Line Encroachment in a Driving Simulator,” Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Jan. 13-17, Washington D.C. (Paper 08-1251).
- Rakha, H., Arafeh M., and Park S. (2009), “Modeling Inclement Weather Impacts on Traffic Stream Behavior” Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting, Jan. 11-15, Washington D.C. (Paper 09-0414).
- Rakha, H., Ahn, K., Faris, W., and Moran, K. (2010), “Simple Vehicle Powertrain Model for Use in Traffic Simulation Software,” 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 10-14, Washington D.C. (Paper 10-0201).
- Rakha, H. and Gao Y. (2010), “Calibration of Steady-state Car-following Models using Macroscopic Loop Detector Data,” 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 10-14, Washington D.C. (Paper 10-0211).
- El-Shawarby I., Rakha, H., Amer A., and McGhee C. (2010), “Characterization of Driver Perception Reaction Time at the Onset of a Yellow Indication,” 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 10-14, Washington D.C. (Paper 10-0520).
- Rakha, H., Sadek S., and Zohdy I. (2010), “Modeling Stochastic Left-Turn Gap Acceptance Behavior,” 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 10-14, Washington D.C. (Paper 10-0208).
- Amer A., Rakha, H., and El-Shawarby I. (2010), “A Behavioral Modeling Framework of Driver Behavior at the Onset of a Yellow Indication at Signalized Intersections,” 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 10-14, Washington D.C. (Paper 10-3794).
- Tawfik, A., Rakha, H., and Miller, S., (2010) “An Experimental Exploration of Route Choice: Identifying Drivers Choices and Choice Patterns, and Capturing Network Evolution,” IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, June 21-24, San Diego, 2010.
- Park S. and Rakha, H. (2010), “Continuous Flow Intersections: A Safety and Environmental Perspective,” 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Madeira Island, Portugal, 19 – 22 September 2010, pp. 85-90.
- Park, S., Rakha, H. Farzaneh, M., Zietsman, J., and Lee, D. (2010), “Development of Fuel and Emission Models for High Speed Heavy Duty Trucks, Light Duty Trucks, and Light Duty Vehicles,” 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Madeira Island, Portugal, 19 – 22 September 2010, pp. 25-32.
- Park, S. and Rakha, H. (2010), “Derivation of Remote Sensing Cut Points for the Screening of High-Emitting Vehicles Trucks, Light Duty Trucks, and Light Duty Vehicles,” 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Madeira Island, Portugal, 19 – 22 September 2010, pp. 1243-1250.
- Rakha, H., Park, S., Marr, L., (2010), “Solutions for Enhancing Remote Sensing High Emitter Vehicle Screening Procedures,” 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Madeira Island, Portugal, 19 – 22 September 2010, pp. 39-46.
- Rakha, H., El-Shawarby, I. Park, S. and Arafeh, M., (2010) “Modeling Framework for the Evaluation of Alternative Truck Lane Management Strategies,” 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Madeira Island, Portugal, 19 – 22 September 2010, pp. 1025-1032.
- Tawfik, A., Rakha, H., and Miller, S., (2010) “Driver Route Choice Behavior: Experiences, Perceptions, and Choices,” 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Madeira Island, Portugal, 19 – 22 September 2010, pp. 1005-1012.
- Chamberlayne, E., Rakha, H., El-Metwally, M., and Bish, D. (2011) "Simulation Study of Freeway Bottleneck Flow Reductions at the onset of Congestion," 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 24-27, Washington D.C. (Paper 11-1188).
- Loulizi, A., Rakha, H., Park, S., and Chabbouh, M. (2011) "Methodology to Evaluate Urban Interchanges in Developing Countries," 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 24-27, Washington D.C. (Paper 11-1068).
- El-Shawarby, I., Amer, A., and Rakha, H. (2011) "Empirical Study of Yellow/Red Light Running Behavior on High-Speed Signalized Intersection Approaches,” 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 24-27, Washington D.C. (Paper 11-2204).
- Ahn, K., Rakha, H., and Moran, K. (2011), "ECO-Cruise Control: Feasibility and Initial Testing," 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 24-27, Washington D.C. (Paper 11-1031).
- Rakha, H., Ahn, K., Moran, K., Saerens, B., and Van den Bulck, E. (2011), "Simple Comprehensive Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emission Model based on Instantaneous Vehicle Power," 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 24-27, Washington D.C. (Paper 11-1009).
- Rakha, H., Ahn, K., and Moran, K. (2011), "INTEGRATION Framework for Modeling Eco-routing Strategies: Logic and Preliminary Results," 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 24-27, Washington D.C. (Paper 11-3350).
- Rakha, H., Sadek S., and Zohdy I. (2011), “Modeling Differences in Driver Left-Turn Gap Acceptance Behavior Using Bayesian and Bootstrap Approaches,” 6th International Symposium Highway Capacity and Quality of Service, Stockholm, Sweden, June 28 – July 1, 2011.
- Park S., Rakha, H., Ahn S., and Moran K. (2011), “Predictive Eco-Cruise Control: Algorithm and Potential Benefits,” 2011 IEEE Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems, Vienna, Austria, June 29 - July 1, 2011.
- Amer A., Rakha, H., and El-Shawarby I. (2011), “Agent-Based Behavioral Modeling Framework of Driver Behavior at the Onset of Yellow Indication at Signalized Intersections,” 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Washington D.C., October 5 - 7, 2011.
- Tawfik A., Szarka J., House L., and Rakha, H. (2011), “Disaggregate Route Choice Models Based on Driver Learning Patterns and Network Experiences,” 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Washington D.C., October 5 - 7, 2011.
- Rakha, H. and Kamalanathsharma R. (2011), “Eco-driving at Signalized Intersections using V2I Communication,” 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Washington D.C., October 5 - 7, 2011.
- Park S., Rakha, H., and Guo F. (2011), “Multi-state Travel Time Reliability Model: Impact of Incidents on Travel Time Reliability,” 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Washington D.C., October 5 - 7, 2011.
- Chen H., Rakha, H., and Sadek S. (2011), “Real-time Freeway Traffic State Prediction: A Particle Filter Approach,” 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Washington D.C., October 5 - 7, 2011.
- Zohdy I. and Rakha, H. (2011), “Reactive-Driving Agent Based Approach for Modeling Gap Acceptance Behavior,” 18th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Orlando, Florida, October 16-20, 2011.
- Park S., Rakha, H., Ahn K., and Moran K. (2012), "A Study of Potential Benefits of Predictive Eco-Cruise Control Systems," Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-0795].
- Du J., Rakha, H., and Sangster J. (2012), "Can Electric Vehicles Serve Traveler Needs?" Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-1648].
- Sangster J. and Rakha, H. (2012), "Critique of the Critical Sum Method: A Case Study on the Quadrant Roadway Design", Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-1685].
- Jackson M. and Rakha, H. (2012), "Do Roundabouts Work? An Evaluation for Uniform Approach Demands," Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-0804].
- Tawfik A. and Rakha, H. (2012), "A Real-Life Route Choice Experiment to Investigate Drivers Perceptions and Choices," Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-3927].
- Ahn K., Rakha, H., and Moran K. (2012), "System-wide Impacts of Eco-routing Strategies on Large-scale Networks", Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-1638].
- Jackson M. and Rakha, H. (2012), "Are Roundabout Environmentally Friendly? An Evaluation for Uniform Approach Demands", Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-0789].
- El-Shawarby I., Abdel-Salam A., Li H. and Rakha, H. (2012), "Driver Behavior at the Onset of Yellow Indication for Rainy/Wet Roadway Surface Conditions", Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-2015].
- Saerens B., Rakha, H., and Van den Bulck E. (2012), "Assessment of Eco-Cruise Control Calculation Methods," Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-4698].
- Sadek S. and Rakha, H. (2012), "A New Speed-formulation Traffic Model for a General Flux Function," Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-1677].
- Chen H., Rakha, H., Sadek S., and Katz B. (2012), “A Particle Filter Approach for Real-time Freeway Traffic State Prediction," Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-2605].
- Zohdy I. and Rakha, H. (2012), "Moving Horizon Optimization Algorithm for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Systems at Intersections," First European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 4-7, 2012.
- Badillo B., Rakha, H., Rioux T., and Abrams M., (2012), “Queue Length Estimation using Conventional Vehicle Detector and Probe Vehicle Data,” 15th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Alaska, USA; September 16-19, 2012.
- Zohdy I., Kamalanathsharma R., and Rakha, H., (2012), “Intersection Management for Autonomous Vehicles using iCACC,” 15th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Alaska, USA; September 16-19, 2012.
- Chen H. and Rakha, H., (2012), “Prediction of Dynamic Freeway Travel Times based on Vehicle Trajectory Construction,” 15th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Alaska, USA; September 16-19, 2012.
- Zohdy I. and Rakha, H., (2012), “Game Theory Algorithm for Intersection-based Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) Systems,” 15th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Alaska, USA; September 16-19, 2012.
- Kamalanathsharma R., and Rakha, H., (2012), “Agent-based Modeling of Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Systems in the Vicinity of Intersections,” 15th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Alaska, USA; September 16-19, 2012.
- Tawfik A. and Rakha, H. (2012), “Modeling Driver Heterogeneity in Route Choice Behavior based on a Real-life Naturalistic Driving Experiment,” ITS World Congress, Vienna, Austria, Oct. 22-26. (Session TS064 - Navigation system and digital maps (1) - Thursday 11:00 - 12:30).
- Zohdy I. and Rakha, H. (2012), “Optimizing Driverless Vehicles at Intersections,” ITS World Congress, Vienna, Austria, Oct. 22-26. (Session TS108 - Autonomous vehicle concepts - Friday 11:00 - 12:30).[1]
- Sangster J. and Rakha, H. (2013), "Enhancing and Calibrating the Rakha-Pasumarthy-Adjerid Car-Following Model using Naturalistic Driving Data," Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-1518].
- Zohdy I., Kishore R., and Rakha, H. (2013), "Intersection Management for Autonomous Vehicles using Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Systems," Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-0772].
- Park S., Rakha, H., and Ahn K. (2013), "Fuel Economy Impacts of Manual, Conventional Cruise Control, and Predictive Eco-Cruise Control Driving," Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-0407].
- Du M., Rakha, H., and Chen L. (2012), "Sensitivity Analysis for Network Traffic Equilibria: A Reduction Method," Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-0557].
- Park S., Rakha, H., and Ahn K. (2013), "Virginia Tech Comprehensive Power-based Fuel Consumption Model (VT-CPFM): Model Validation and Calibration Considerations," Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-0461].
- Chen H. and Rakha, H. (2013), "A Data-driven Particle Filter for Travel Time Prediction," Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-4392].
- Chen H. and Rakha, H. (2013), "Forecasting Freeway Dynamic Travel Times by Constructing Trip Trajectories," Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-2128].
- Zhao W., Boon T.O., and Rakha, H. (2013), “Roundabout versus Traffic Signal Control: Comparative Analysis,” Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-4422].
- Elhenawy M., Chen H., and Rakha, H. (2013), “An Automated Statistically-principled Bottleneck Identification Algorithm (ASBIA),” 16th IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITSC 2013, Hague, Netherlands, October 7-9 [Paper 463].
- Kamalanathsharma R., Zohdy I., and Rakha, H. (2013), “Public Perception on Increasing Use of Technology in Automobiles: Survey Findings,” 16th IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITSC 2013, Hague, Netherlands, October 7-9 [Paper 560].
- Kamalanathsharma R. and Rakha, H. (2013), “ “Multi-stage Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Eco-Speed Control at Traffic Signalized Intersections,” 16th IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITSC 2013, Hague, Netherlands, October 7-9 [Paper 43].
- Kamalanathsharma R. and Rakha, H. (2013), “Fuel-Optimal Vehicle Throttle Control: Model Logic and Preliminary Testing,” 20th ITS World Congress, Tokyo, Japan, October 14-18 [Paper: 4136].
- Chen H., Rakha, H., and McGhee C. (2013), “Dynamic Travel Time Prediction using Pattern Recognition,” 20th ITS World Congress, Tokyo, Japan, October 14-18 [Paper: 4108].[2]
- Kamalanathsharma R., Zohdy I., and Rakha, H. (2013), “Public Perception on Increased Use of Technology in Automobiles: Survey Findings,” 20th ITS World Congress, Tokyo, Japan, October 14-18 [Paper: 4112].
- Chen H. and Rakha, H. (2014), "Agent-Based Modeling Approach to Predict Experienced Travel Times," Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-3851].
- Kamalanathsharma R., Rakha, H., and (2014), "Simulation Testing of Connected Vehicle Applications in a Cloud-based Traffic Simulation Environment," Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-4260].
- Chen H. and Rakha, H. (2014), "Data-driven Particle Filter for Multi-step Look-ahead Travel Time Prediction," Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-0824].
- Rakha, H., Baird M., and El-Shawarby I. (2014), "Designing Traffic Signal Yellow and Change Intervals Considering Truck Impacts," Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-0285].
- Cetin M. and Rakha, H. (2014), “Estimating Fuel Consumption and Carbon Footprint at Signalized Intersections using Probe Vehicle Trajectories,” Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-2285].
- Kamalanathsharma R. and Rakha, H. (2014), "Fuel-Optimal Vehicle Throttle Control: Model Logic and Preliminary Testing,” Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-0433].
- Jahangiri A. and Rakha, H. (2014), "Developing a Support Vector Machine Classifier for Transportation Mode Identification by Using Mobile Phone Sensor Data,” Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-1442].
- Elhenawy M. and Rakha, H. (2014), "Congestion Prediction Using Adaptive Boosting Machine Learning Classifiers,” Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-0830].
- Tawfik A. and Rakha, H. (2014), “Modeling Driver Perceptions of Travel Conditions in an In-Situ Route Choice Experiment in Real-World Conditions,” Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-5060].
- Sangster J. and Rakha, H. (2014), “Implications of CAP-X: Operational Limitations of Alternative Intersections,” Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-3794].
- Elhenawy M. and Rakha, H. (2014), "Congestion Prediction using Adaptive Boosting Machine Learning Classifiers," 21st ITS World Congress, Ann Arbor, USA, September 8-11.
- Zohdy I. and Rakha, H. (2014), "Intersection Management of Autonomous Vehicles using an Agent-based Passenger Priority Framework," 21st ITS World Congress, Ann Arbor, USA, September 8-11.
- Elhenawy M. and Rakha, H. (2014), "Random Forest Travel Time Prediction Algorithm using Spatiotemporal Speed Measurements," 21st ITS World Congress, Ann Arbor, USA, September 8-11.
- Jahangiri A., Rakha, H. and Dingus T. (2015), "Predicting Red-light Running Violations at Signalized Intersections using Machine Learning Techniques," 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-2910].
- Jahangiri A. and Rakha, H. (2015), "Distributed Learning: An Application to Transportation Mode Identification," 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-0826].
- Chen H. and Rakha, H. (2015), "Predicting Freeway Travel Times Using Dynamic Template Matching," 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-1883].
- Hassan A. and Rakha, H. (2015), "A Fully-Distributed Heuristic Algorithm for Control of Autonomous Vehicle Movements at Isolated Intersections," 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-4157].
- Elhenawy M. and Rakha, H. (2015), "Matrix Projection Approach for Predicting Freeway State Evolution and Dynamic Travel Times," 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-0843].
- Wang J. and Rakha, H. (2015), "Impact of Dynamic Route Information on Day-to-Day Driver Route Choice Behavior," 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-4918].
- Elhenawy M., Chen H. and Rakha, H. (2015), "Traffic Congestion Identification Considering Weather and Visibility Conditions Using Mixture Linear Regression,"94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-3323].
- Sangster J., Rakha, H. and Al-Kaisy A. (2015), "Comparative Analysis of Through-about, Roundabout, and Conventional Signalized Intersection Designs,"94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-1866].
- Wang J., Rakha, H. and Yu L. (2015), "Operating Mode Distribution Characteristics of Different Freeway Weaving Configurations and their Effects on Vehicular Emissions," 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-1429].
- Ong B.T., Rakha, H. and El-Shawarby I. (2015), "Designing Traffic Signal Clearance Intervals Considering Bus Impacts," 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-1344].
- Yang H. and Rakha, H. (2015), "Estimation of Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrices using Simulation-based Optimization," 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-2977].
- Ong B.T., El-Shawarby I. and Rakha, H. (2015), "Analysis of Bus Driver Perception Reaction Times and Deceleration Behavior for the Design of Traffic Signal Clearance Times,"94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-0994].
- Tawfik A. and Rakha, H. (2015), "Modeling Heterogeneity of Driver Route Choice Behavior using Hierarchical Learning-Based Models: A Longitudinal, In-Situ Experiment in Real World Conditions," 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-3135].
- Laharotte P.A., Billot R., El Faouzi N., and Rakha, H. (2015), "Network-Wide Traffic State Prediction Using Bluetooth Data," 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-3022].
- Park S., Ahn K., Rakha, H., and Lee C. (2015), "Real-Time Emission Modeling with EPA MOVES: Framework Development and Preliminary Investigation," 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-2604].
- Sangster J. and Rakha, H. (2015), "Capacity-based Predictions and Delay-based Results: CAP-X Limitations and Suggestions for Improvement," 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-1857].
- Elbery A., Rakha H.A., ElNainay M., and Hoque M.A., (2015) "VNetIntSim: An Integrated Simulation Platform to Model Transportation and Communication Networks," International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, May 20-22.
- Van Essen, M., Rakha, H., Vreeswijk, J., Wismans, L., and Van Berkum, E. (2015). "Day-to-day route choice modeling incorporating inertial behavior." IATBR Conference, 19-23 July, 2015, Windsor, UK.
- Elhenawy M., Elbery A., Hassan A., and Rakha, H., (2015), "An Intersection Game-Theory-Based Traffic Control Algorithm in a Connected Vehicle Environment," IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Sept. 15-18. [Paper # 1505].
- Elbery A., Rakha, H., El-Nainay M., Drira W., and Filali F., (2015), "Eco-Routing Using V2I Communication: System Evaluation," IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Sept. 15-18. [Paper # 1436].
- Du J., Rakha, H., and Gayah V. (2015), "Transportation Network Control using the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram" IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Sept. 15-18. [Paper # 1442].
- Jahangiri A., Rakha, H., and Dingus T., (2015), "Adopting Machine Learning Methods to Predict Red-light Running Violations," IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Sept. 15-18. [Paper # 299].
- Wang J. and Rakha, H. (2016), "Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck Fuel Consumption Modeling," Accepted for presentation at the 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 10-14. [Paper # 16-2147]
- Fiori C., Ahn K., and Rakha, H. (2016), "Virginia Tech Comprehensive Power-based Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption Model: Model Development and Validation," 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 10-14. [Paper # 16-0631]
- Du J., Guo F., and Rakha, H. (2016), "Evaluation of High-Occupancy-Toll Lane Usage by Single-Occupancy Vehicles," Accepted for presentation at the 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 10-14. [Paper # 16-0793]
- Laguna A., Rakha, H., and Du J. (2016), "Optimizing Isolated Traffic Signal Timing Considering Energy and Environmental Impacts," 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 10-14. [Paper # 16-1092]
- Ahn K., Rakha, H., Kang K., and Govindarajan V. (2016), "Multimodal Intelligent Transportation Signal System Impact Assessment: Field Testing and Simulation Results," 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 10-14. [Paper # 16-0731]
- Elhenawy M., Jahangiri A., Rakha, H., and El-Shawarby I. (2016), "Classification of Driver Stop/Run Behavior at the Onset of a Yellow Indication for Different Vehicle Types and Roadway Surface Conditions using Historical Behavior," Accepted for presentation at the 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 10-14. [Paper # 16-1632]
- Sangster J. and Rakha, H. (2016), "New Perspectives on Delay and Level of Service at Intersections and Interchanges," 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 10-14. [Paper # 16-2397]
- Abdelmegeed M., Ahn K., and Rakha, H. (2016), "Modeling Light Duty Vehicle Emissions Exploiting VT-CPFM Fuel Estimates," 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 10-14. [Paper # 16-2448]
- Elhenawy M. and Rakha, H. (2016), "Expected Travel Time and Reliability Prediction using Mixture Linear Regression," 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 10-14. [Paper # 16-2813]
- Elhenawy M. and Rakha, H. (2016), "Traffic Stream Speed Short-term Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques: I-66 Case Study," 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 10-14. [Paper # 16-3805]
- Yang H., Ala V.M., and Rakha, H. (2016), "Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control at Signalized Intersections Considering Queue Effects," 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 10-14. [Paper # 16-1593]
- Elbery A., Rakha, H., ElNainay M., Drira W. and Felali F. (2016), "Eco-Routing: An Ant Colony Based Approach," 2nd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS), Rome, April 23-24.
- Elhenawy M., Rakha, H. and Chen H. (2016), "Traffic Stream Short-term State Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques," 2nd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS), Rome, April 23-24.
- Elhenawy M., Rakha, H. and Chen H. (2016), "A Unified Real-time Automatic Congestion Identification Model Considering Weather and Roadway Visibility Conditions," 2nd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS), Rome, April 23-24. [3]
- Chen H., Rakha, H., Amara L., El-Shawarby I. and AlMannaa M. (2016), "Development and Preliminary Field Testing of an In-Vehicle Eco-Speed Control System in the Vicinity of Signalized Intersections," 14th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, May 18-20.
- Elbery A., El-Nainay M. and Rakha, H. (2016), "Proactive and Reactive Carpooling Recommendation System based on Spatiotemporal and Geosocial Data," WiMob, New York, USA, October 17-19.
- Elhenawy M. and Rakha, H. (2016), "Stretch-Wide Traffic State Prediction Using Discriminatively Pre-Trained Deep Neural Networks," 19th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 1-4.
- Jahangiri A., Elhenawy M., Rakha, H., and Dingus T. (2016), "Investigating Cyclist Violations at Signal-Controlled Intersections Using Naturalistic Cycling Data," 19th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 1-4.
- Abdelghaffar H., Yang H., and Rakha, H. (2016), "Isolated Traffic Signal Control Using a Game Theoretic Framework," 19th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 1-4.
- Bichiou Y. and Rakha, H. (2017), "Real-Time Optimal Intersection Control System for Autonomous-Cooperative Vehicles," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-00202].
- Tu R., Du J. and Rakha, H. (2017), "System-Wide Impacts of Arterial and Freeway Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-02513].
- Yang H. and Rakha, H. (2017), "Reinforcement Learning Ramp Metering Control for Weaving Sections in a Connected Vehicle Environment," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-03689].
- Fiori C., Ahn K. and Rakha, H. (2017), "Effect of Route Choice on Battery Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-00199].
- Elhenawy M. and Rakha, H. (2017), "Random Forest/Hidden Markov Transportation Mode Recognition Model using Smartphone Sensor Data," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-00213].
- Fiori C., Ahn K. and Rakha, H. (2017), "Microscopic Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption Model: Model Development and Validation," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-00266].
- Fadhloun K., Rakha, H., Abdelkefi A. and Loulizi A. (2017), "An Enhanced Rakha-Pasumarthy-Adjerid Car-Following Model Accounting for Driver Behavior," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-00440].
- Elbery A. and Rakha, H. (2017), "A Novel Stochastic Linear Programming Feedback Eco-routing Traffic Assignment System," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-00912].
- Wang J., Rakha, H. and Fadhloun K. (2017), "Comparison of Car-Following Models: A Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emissions Estimation Perspective," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-01158].
- Calle Laguna A., Rakha, H. and Du J. (2017), "Comprehensive Analysis on Signal Timing Optimization to Reduce Energy and Environmental Impacts," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-02510].
- Yue Y., Qi X., Han J., Zhou L. and Rakha, H. (2017), "Integrated Modeling and Optimization of Train Scheduling and Shunting at Complex Railway Stations," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-01821].
- Park S., Ahn K., Rakha, H. and Jung H. (2017), "Evaluating the Environmental Impacts of Freight Signal Priority Using Connected Trucks," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-03692].
- Chen H. and Rakha, H. (2017), "Automatic Freeway Bottleneck Identification and Visualization Using Image Processing Techniques," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 7-04388].
- Chen H., Rakha, H., Loulizi A., Almannaa M. and El-Shawarby I. (2017), "Field Implementation of an Ecocooperative Adaptive Cruise System at Signalized Intersection," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-04918].
- Yang H., Almutairi F. and Rakha, H. (2017), "Ecocooperative Adaptive Cruise Control at Multiple Signalized Intersections," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-05237].
- Ashqar H., Elhenawy M., Almannaa M., Ghanem A., Rakha, H. and House L. (2017), “Modeling Bike Sharing Availability using Machine Learning,” 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Napoli, Italy, June 26-28.
- Ghanem A., Elhenawy M., Almannaa M., Ashqar H. and Rakha, H. (2017), “Bike Share Travel Time Modeling,” 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Napoli, Italy, June 26-28.
- Almutairi F., Yang H. and Rakha, H. (2017), “Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control at Multiple Signalized Intersections: Network-Wide Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis,” 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Napoli, Italy, June 26-28.
- Abdelghaffar H., Yang H. and Rakha H.A. (2017), “Developing a De-centralized Cycle-free Nash Bargaining Arterial Traffic Signal Controller,” 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Napoli, Italy, June 26-28.
- Elhenawy M. and Rakha, H. (2017), “A Heuristic for Rebalancing Bike Sharing Systems based on Deferred Acceptance Algorithm,” 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Napoli, Italy, June 26-28.
- Almannaa M., Elhenawy M., Ghanem A., Ashqar H. and Rakha, H. (2017), “Network-Wide Bike Availability Clustering using a Novel Supervised Algorithm: A Case Study of San Francisco and San Jose,” 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Napoli, Italy, June 26-28.
- Elbakary M.I., Abdelghaffar H., Afrifa K., Rakha H.A., Cetin M., Iftekharuddin K.M. (2017), “Aerosol Detection using Lidar-based Atmospheric Profiling,” SPIE Optics and Photonics Conference, San Diego, Aug. 6-10.
- Du J., Rakha H.A., Elbery A., and Klenk M. (2018), “Microscopic Simulation and Calibration of a Large-Scale Metropolitan Network: Issues and Proposed Solutions,” 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-11. [Paper # 18-02086].
- Abdelghaffar H and Rakha H.A. (2018), “A Novel Game Theoretic De-centralized Traffic Signal Controller: Model Development and Testing,” 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-11. [Paper # 18-02078].
- Yang H. and Rakha H.A. (2018), “Enhancing Weaving Section Capacities based on Connected Vehicle-Enabled Ramp-Metering Control,” 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-11. [Paper # 18-04744].
- Almannaa M., Elhenawy M. and Rakha, H.A. (2018), “A Novel Clustering Algorithm for Traffic Operational Analysis,” 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-11. [Paper # 18-01390].
- Ashqar H., Elhenawy M., Ghanem A., Almannaa M., and Rakha, H.A. (2018), “Quantifying the Effect of Various Features on the Modeling of Bike Counts in a Bike-Sharing System,” 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-11. [Paper # 18-00282].
- Almannaa M., Elhenawy M., and Rakha, H.A. (2018), “Predicting Bike Availability in Bike Sharing Systems Using Dynamic Linear Models,” 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-11. [Paper # 18-01384].
- Elouni M. and Rakha, H.A. (2018), “Impact of Inclement Weather on the Network Fundamental Diagram,” 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-11. [Paper # 18-03031].
- Wang J. and Rakha, H.A. (2018), “A Simulation-based Framework for Dynamic Eco-routing System: Model Development and Testing,” 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-11. [Paper # 18-01053].
- Elhenawy M., Bichiou Y. and Rakha, H.A. (2018), “A Heuristic Algorithm for Rebalancing Bike Sharing Systems,” 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-11. [Paper # 18-00958].
- Ahn K., Park S., and Rakha, H.A. (2018), “Impact of Intersection Control on Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption,” 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-11. [Paper # 18-02937].
- Elhenawy, M., Hassan, A. and Rakha, H.A. (2018), “Travel Time Modeling using Spatiotemporal Speed Variation and a Mixture of Linear Regressions,” 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, Madeira, Portugal, March 16-18.
- Elouni, M. and Rakha, H.A. (2018), “Weather-Tuned Network Perimeter Control - A Network Fundamental Diagram Feedback Controller Approach,” 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, Madeira, Portugal, March 16-18.[4]
- Elbery, A., Dvorak, F., Du, J., Rakha, H.A., Klenk, M. (2018), “Large-scale Agent-based Multi-modal Modeling of Transportation Networks - System Model And Preliminary Results,” 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, Madeira, Portugal, March 16-18.
- Elbery A. and Rakha, H.A. (2018), “VANET Communication Impact on a Dynamic Eco-Routing System Performance: Preliminary Results,” The IEEE International Workshop on Communication, Computing, and Networking in Cyber Physical Systems (CCNCPS), May 20-24, Kansas City, MO, USA.
- Wang J. and Rakha, H.A. (2018), “Virginia Tech Comprehensive Powered-based Fuel Consumption Model: Modeling Compressed Natural Gas Buses,” 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2018), Maui, Hawaii, November 4-7.
- Kang K., Elbery A., Rakha, H.A., Bichiou Y. and Yang H. (2018), “Optimal Lane Advisory on Freeways within a Connected Vehicle Environment,” 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2018), Maui, Hawaii, November 4-7.
- Almannaa M., Elhenawy M., Guo F. and Rakha, H.A. (2018), “Incremental Learning Models of Bike Counts at Bike Sharing Systems,” 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2018), Maui, Hawaii, November 4-7.
- Aljamal M., Rakha, H.A., Du J., and El-Shawarby I. (2018), “Comparison of Microscopic and Mesoscopic Traffic Modeling Tools for Evacuation Analysis,” 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2018), Maui, Hawaii, November 4-7.
- Almannaa M.*, Elhenawy M.*, Guo F. and Rakha, H.A. (2018), “Incremental Learning Models of Bike Counts at Bike Sharing Systems,” 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2018), Maui, Hawaii, November 4-7.
- Aljamal M.*, Rakha, H.A., Du J., and El-Shawarby I. (2018), “Comparison of Microscopic and Mesoscopic Traffic Modeling Tools for Evacuation Analysis,” 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2018), Maui, Hawaii, November 4-7.
- Elouni M.*, Rakha, H.A., and Bichiou Y. (2019), “Implementation and Investigation of a Weather- and Jam Density-tuned Network Perimeter Controller,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 13-17. [Paper: 19-04765]
- Alhadidi T.* and Rakha, H.A. (2019), “Stochastic Modeling of Bus Passenger Boarding/Alighting Times,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 13-17. [Paper: 19-02703]
- Chen H., Rakha, H.A. and El-Shawarby I. (2019), “An Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System for Buses at Signalized Intersections: System Development and Field Testing,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 13-17. [Paper: 19-01770]
- Chen H. and Rakha, H.A. (2019), “Developing a Traffic Signal Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System for Battery Electric Vehicles,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 13-17. [Paper: 19-00572]
- Bichiou Y., Elouni M.* and Rakha, H.A. (2019), “A Novel Sliding Mode Network Perimeter Controller,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 13-17. [Paper: 19-00476]
- Wang J.*, Ghanem A.*, Rakha, H.A. and Klenk M. (2019), “A Rail Transit Simulation System for Multi-modal Eco-Routing Applications,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 13-17. [Paper: 19-00256]
- Ghanem A.* and Rakha, H.A. (2019), “Modeling Instantaneous Cyclist Acceleration and Deceleration Behavior,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 13-17. [Paper: 19-00211]
- Elhenawy M.*, Bichiou Y. and Rakha, H.A. (2019), “A Heuristic Algorithm for Rebalancing Large-scale Bike Sharing Systems using Multiple Trucks,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 13-17. [Paper: 19-00239]
- Ashqar H.*, Elhenawy H., Rakha, H.A., and House L. (2019), “Predicting Station Locations in Bike-Sharing Systems Using a Proposed Quality-of-Service Measurement: Methodology and Case Study,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 13-17. [Paper: 19-00101]
- Ahangari S., Moghaddam Z., Jeihani M., Celeste C., Chen H.*, Rakha, H.A. and Kang K.* (2019), “Investigating the Effectiveness of an Eco-Speed Control System in the Vicinity of Signalized Intersections using a Driving Simulator,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 13-17. [Paper: 19-00716]
- Mohan S., Yan F., Bellotti V., Elbery A.*, Rakha, H.A., and Klenk M. (2019), “On Influencing Individual Behavior for Reducing Transportation Energy Expenditure in a Large Population,” AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society, Honolulu, HI, Jan. 27-28.
- Almannaa M.*, Elhenawy M., Masoud M., and Rakha, H.A. (2019), “A New Mathematical Approach to Solve Bike Share System Station Imbalances Based On Portable Stations,” IEEE Intelligent Transportation System Conference (ITSC19), October 27-30, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1721-1726.
- C-15. Ashqar H.*, Elhenawy M., Masoud M., Rakotonirainy A., and Rakha, H.A. (2019), “Vulnerable Road User Detection Using Smartphone Sensors and Recurrence Quantification Analysis,” IEEE Intelligent Transportation System Conference (ITSC19), October 27-30, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1054-1059.
- Kang K.*, Bichiou Y., Rakha, H.A., Elbery A., and Yang H. (2019), “Development and Testing of a Connected Vehicle Optimal Lane Selection Algorithm,” IEEE Intelligent Transportation System Conference (ITSC19), October 27-30, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1531-1536.
- Aljamal M.*, Abdelghaffar H.*, and Rakha, H.A. (2019), “Kalman Filter-based Vehicle Count Estimation Approach Using Probe Data: A Multi-lane Road Case Study,” IEEE Intelligent Transportation System Conference (ITSC19), October 27-30, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 4374-4379.
- Elbery A.*, Hassanein H.S., Zorba N., and Rakha, H.A. (2019), “VANET-based Smart Navigation for Emergency Evacuation and Special Events,” IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, September 11-13, Limassol, Cyprus.
- Elbery A.*, Hassanein H.S., Zorba N., and Rakha, H.A. (2019), “VANET-based Smart Navigation for Vehicle Crowds: FIFA World Cup 2022 Case Study,” IEEE GLOBECOM 2019, December 9 – 13, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.
- Abdelghaffar H.*, Elouni M.*, Bichiou Y.* and Rakha, H.A. (2020), “Developing and Testing of a Dynamic Freeway Sliding Mode Variable Speed Controller,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 12-16. [Paper: 20-01238].
- Fadhloun K.*, Bichiou Y.*, and Rakha, H.A. (2020), "Cooperative Platooning Algorithms for Connected Vehicles", Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 12-16. [Paper: 20-01889].
- Ahangiri S., Chen H.*, Jeihani M., and Rakha, H.A. (2020), “Developing and Testing an Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System for Buses” ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development (ICTD 2020), Seattle, WA, May 26-29.
- Fadhloun K.*, Rakha, H.A., Loulizi A., and Wang J.* (2020), “Validation Study of the Fadhloun-Rakha Car-Following Model,” In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems - Volume 1: VEHITS, ISBN 978-989-758-419-0, pages 180-192. DOI: 10.5220/0009435501800192.
- Bichiou Y.* and Rakha, H.A. (2020), “Vehicle Platooning: An Energy Consumption Perspective,” IEEE Intelligent Transportation System Conference (ITSC20), September 20-23, 2020, Virtual Conference.
- Abdelghaffar H.*, Ahn K.*, and Rakha, H.A. (2020), “Developing an Adaptive Connected Vehicle Transit Signal Priority Control System,” IEEE Intelligent Transportation System Conference (ITSC20), September 20-23, 2020, Virtual Conference.
- Ashqar H.*, Shaheen Q.H., Ashur S.A., and Rakha, H.A. (2021), “Impact of risk factors on work zone crashes using logistic models and Random Forest,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 100th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 25-29. [Paper: TRBAM-21-00220]
- Ashqar H.*, Elhenawy M.*, Masoud M., Almannaa M.*, Rakotonirainy A., and Rakha, H.A. (2021), “Smartphone Sensors Transportation Mode Data Classification of Vulnerable Road Users,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 100th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 25-29. [Paper: TRBAM-21-00661]
- Aljamal M.*, Abdelghaffar H.*, and Rakha, H.A. (2021), “Traffic Density Estimation via a Particle Filter using Connected Vehicle Data,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 100th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 25-29. [Paper: TRBAM-21-00100]
- Ahn K.*, Bichiou Y.*, Farag M.*, and Rakha, H.A. (2021), “Multi-objective Eco-Routing Model Development and Evaluation for Battery Electric Vehicles,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 100th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 25-29. [Paper: TRBAM-21-00565]
- CChen H. and Rakha, H.A. (2021), “Developing a Hybrid Electric Vehicle Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System at Signalized Intersections,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 100th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 25-29. [Paper: TRBAM-21-02674]
- Alhadidi T. and Rakha, H.A. (2021), “Estimating Transit Vehicle Dwell Times at Bus Stops,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 100th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 25-29. [Paper: TRBAM-21-00573]
- Fadhloun K., Rakha, H.A., and Mittal A. (2021), “Bicycle Longitudinal Motion Modeling,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 100th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 25-29. [Paper: TRBAM-21-00382]
- Bichiou Y., Rakha, H.A., Abdelghaffar H. (2021), “A Cooperative Platooning Controller for Connected Vehicles,” 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, April 28-30.
- Huthaifa, H.I.; Shaheen, Q.; Ashur, S.; Rakha, H.A. (2021), “Impact of risk factors on work zone crashes using logistic models and Random Forest,”2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Sept. 19-22, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
- Farag, M. M.; Rakha, H.A.; Mittal, A. (2021), “Studying the Impact of Passenger Ride Choices on Other Passenger and Bus Travel Times,” 2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Sept. 19-22, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
[1] Recipient of the Best Scientific Paper Award from North America.
[2] Received Best Paper Award.
[3] Received Best Paper Award.
[4] Received the Best Paper Award.
- Rakha H. and Van Aerde M. (1995), “REALTRAN: An Off-line Emulator for Estimating the Impacts of SCOOT”, 74th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 950927].
- Rakha H. and Van Aerde M. (1995), “Statistical Analysis of Day-to-Day Variations in Real-Time Traffic Flow Data,” 74th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 950805].
- Stewart J.A., Rakha H., and Van Aerde M. (1995), “An Analysis of the Temporal and Spatial Variability of Free-Speed along a Freeway Segment”, 74th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 95804].
- Carter M., Rakha H., and Van Aerde M. (1996) “Variability of Traffic Flow Measures across Lanes,” Transportation Research Board 75th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 960745].
- Rakha H. (1999) "Integrating Graduate and Continuing Education Courses: Lessons Learned," Presented at the Symposium for Learning Centered Environments, Blacksburg, December 2-3, [No proceedings for the conference].
- Van Aerde M. and Rakha H. (1999), "The Metropolitan Model Deployment Initiative: Evaluating Throughput and Efficiency Impacts," Presented at the Intelligent Transportation Systems of America (ITSA) conference, April, [Not included in the conference proceedings].
- Rakha H. and Van Aerde M. (1999), "The Metropolitan Model Deployment Initiative: Evaluating Energy and Emissions Impacts," Presented at the Intelligent Transportation Systems of America (ITSA) conference, April, [Not included in the conference proceedings].
- Van Aerde M. and Rakha H. (1999), "Car-Following with and without AVCSS: Field Results," Presented at the Intelligent Transportation Systems of America (ITSA) conference, April, [Not included in the conference proceedings].
- Van Aerde M. and Rakha H. (1999), "Benefits Assessment of ITS in Regional Networks using Traffic Simulation: The New 10-Step Planning Process," Presented at the Transportation Research Board 78th Annual Meeting, January, [Not included in the conference proceedings].
- Rakha H., Van Aerde M., Ahn K.* and Trani A. (2000), “Requirements for Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Intelligent Transportation Systems using Speed and Acceleration Data,” Presented at the Transportation Research Board 79th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 00-1133].
- Dion F.*, H. Rakha, Y. Zhang, and A. Manar (2001), “Examination of the Use of an Intelligent Transportation System to Promote Transit Movements on Urban Arterials” [In French]. Presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Quebec Transportation and Road Association, Laval, Quebec, March, CD-ROM.
- Dion F., H. Rakha, and A. Manar (2001), “Mesoscopic Fuel Consumption and Emissions Model” [In French]. Presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Quebec Transportation and Road Association, Laval, Quebec, March, CD-ROM.
- Rakha H., A. Medina, H. Sin*, F. Dion, M. Van Aerde, and J. Jenq (2001), “Case Study Evaluation of Throughput, Energy, Environmental and Safety Impacts of Traffic Signal Coordination: Field and Modeling Results,” International Road Federation Conference Proceedings, Paris, June, CD-ROM.
- Ding Y.* and Rakha H. (2001), “Identifying Trip-Based Explanatory Variables for Estimating Hot-Stabilized Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emission Rates,” Third International Conference on Air Quality Proceedings, Loutraci, Greece, March, CD-ROM, [Paper # UAP.1.5].
- Rakha H. and Ding Y.* (2001), “Impact of Vehicle Stops on Hot Stabilized Light-Duty Vehicle Energy and Emission Rates,” Presented at the Transportation Research Board 80th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 01-2483].
- Rakha H., Kang Y.*, and Dion F. (2001), “Estimating Vehicle Stops at Under-Saturated and Over-Saturated Fixed-Time Signalized Intersections,” Presented at the Transportation Research Board 80th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 01-2353].
- Rakha H., Dion F., and Sin H.* (2001), “Field Evaluation of Energy and Emission Impacts of Traffic Flow Improvement Projects using GPS Data: Issues and Proposed Solutions,” Presented at the Transportation Research Board 80th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 01-2427].
- Ding Y.* and Rakha H. (2002), “Trip-Based Explanatory Variables for Estimating Hot-Stabilized Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emission Rates,” Presented at the Transportation Research Board 81st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 02-2144].
- Rakha H., Ahn K.*, Trani A. (2002), "Applications of Automobile Emissions Modeling to Airport System Planning," Transportation Research Circular, Transportation Research Board 80th Annual Meeting Workshop.
- El-Zarif J.*, Hobeika A., and Rakha H. (2002), “Simulating No-Passing Zone Violations on a Vertical Curve of a Two-lane Rural Road”, Presented at the Transportation Research Board 81st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 02-2459].
- Rakha H. and Crowther B.* (2002), “Comparison of Greenshields, Pipes, and Van Aerde Car-following and Traffic Stream Models,” Presented at the Transportation Research Board 81st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January, CD-ROM [Paper # 02-2143].
- Rakha H. and Yu B. (2003), “Truck Performance Curves Reflective of Truck & Pavement Characteristics,” Transportation Engineering and Safety Conference, Penn State, December.
- Rakha H., Katz B.*, and Al-Kaisy A. (2003), “Field Evaluation of Weigh-in-Motion Screening on Truck Weigh Station Operations,” IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, Columbus, Ohio, June 9-11, Paper # 74.
- Dion F., Rakha H., Zhang Y., and Collura J. (2003), “Transit Signal Priority Impacts along a Fixed-Time Signalized Arterial,” IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, Columbus, Ohio, June 9-11, Paper # 450.
- Rakha H., Ahn K., El-Shawarby I., and Jang S. (2003), “Emission Model Development Using In-vehicle On-Road Emission Measurements.” 13th CRC ON-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, April, CD-ROM.
- Sherali H., Desai J.*, Rakha H. and El-Shawarby I. (2003), A Discrete Optimization Approach for Locating Automatic Vehicle Identification Readers for the Provision of Roadway Travel Times. Transportation Research Board 82nd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper # 03-2596].
- Van Aerde M., Rakha H., and Paramahamsan H.* (2003), “Estimation of O-D Matrices: The Relationship between Practical and Theoretical Considerations.” Transportation Research Board 82nd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper # 03-2296].
- Rakha H., Ahn K.*, and Trani A. (2003), “Microscopic Modeling of Vehicle Start Emissions.” Transportation Research Board 82nd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper # 03-2288].
- Sivanandan S., Dion F., Rakha H., and Van Aerde M. (2003), “Effect of Variable Message Signs in Reducing Railroad Crossing Delays.” Transportation Research Board 82nd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper # 03-2239].
- Rakha H. and Ahn K.* (2003), “The INTEGRATION Modeling Framework for Estimating Mobile Source Emissions.” Forth International Conference on Urban Air Quality Proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic, March, CD-ROM, [Paper # 00028].
- Rakha H., Ahn K.*, and Trani A. (2003), “The VT-Micro Framework for Modeling of Hot Stabilized Light Duty Vehicle and Truck Emissions.” Forth International Conference on Urban Air Quality Proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic, March, CD-ROM [Paper # 000029].
- Rakha H., Pasumarthy P., and Adjerid S. (2004), “Modeling Longitudinal Vehicle Motion: Issues and Proposed Solutions,” Proceedings of the Transport Science and Technology Congress, Greece, September, CD-ROM [PAN103].
- Rakha H. and Farzaneh M. (2004), “Macroscopic Modeling of Traffic Dispersion: Issues and Proposed Solutions,” Proceedings of the Transport Science and Technology Congress, Greece, September, CD-ROM [PAN101].
- Rakha H., Ahn K., and El-Shawarby I. (2004), “Heavy Duty Vehicle Emission Model Development Using In-vehicle On-Road Emission Measurements,” 14th CRC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, March, CD-ROM.
- Rakha H., Snare M., and Yue H. (2004), “Characterization of Typical Driver Acceleration and Deceleration Behavior for Traffic and Environmental Modeling,” 14th CRC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, March, CD-ROM.
- Dion F. and Rakha H. (2004), “The VT-Meso Framework for Estimating Hot Stabilized Light Duty Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emission Rates,” 14th CRC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, March, CD-ROM.
- Rakha H. and Zhang Y.* (2004), “The INTEGRATION 2.30 Framework for Modeling Lane-Changing Behavior in Weaving Sections,” Accepted for Presentation at the Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 04-3422].
- Rakha H., Snare M.*, and Dion F. (2004), “Vehicle Dynamics Model for Estimating Maximum Light Duty Vehicle Acceleration Levels,” Accepted for Presentation at the Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 04-3379].
- Van Aerde M. and Rakha H. (2005), “Microsimulation of Traffic with and without Adaptive Cruise Control: Model Logic,” 9th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December, CD-ROM.
- Dion F. and Rakha H. (2005), “Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Evaluation during Recurring Congestion,” 9th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December, CD-ROM.
- Yu B. and Rakha H. (2005), Estimating Roadway Grades using Global Positioning Systems, 15th CRC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, March, CD-ROM.
- Rakha H. and Zhang W. (2005), Estimating Traffic Stream Space-mean Speed and Reliability from Dual and Single Loop Detectors, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 05-0850].
- Rakha H., Medina A., Ahn K., El-Shawarby I., and Arafeh M. (2005), Evaluating Alternative Lane Management Strategies along I-81, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 05-2086].
- Rakha H. (2006), “INTEGRATION Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Simulation Software: Model Logic,” First ITS-Arab Conference, Dec. 4-5, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- Rakha H. (2006), “Estimation of Dynamic Roadway Travel Times using AVI Systems: Issues and Algorithms,” First ITS-Arab Conference, Dec. 4-5, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- Farzaneh M. and Rakha H. (2006), Impact of Differences in Driver Desired Speed on Steady-State Traffic Stream Behavior, Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 06-0926].
- Park S. and Rakha H. (2006), Energy and Environmental Impacts of Roadway Grades, Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., CD-ROM [Paper 06-0628].
- Rakha H., Ingle A., Hancock K., and Al-Kaisy A. (2007), “Estimating Truck Equivalencies for Freeway Sections,” Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, Jan. 22-25, Washington D.C.
- Rakha H., Pecker C., and Cybis H. (2007), “Calibration Procedure for Gipps’ Car-following Model,” Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, Jan. 22-25, Washington D.C.
- El-Shawarby I., Rakha H., Inman V., and Davis G. (2007), “Evaluation of Driver Deceleration Behavior at Signalized Intersections,” Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, Jan. 22-25, Washington D.C.
- El-Shawarby I., Rakha H., Inman V., and Davis G. (2007), “Age and Gender Impact on Driver Behavior at the Onset of a Yellow Phase on High-Speed Signalized Intersection Approaches,” Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, Jan. 22-25, Washington D.C.
- Setti J.R., Rakha H., and El-Shawarby I. (2007), “Analysis of Brake Perception-Reaction Times on High-Speed Signalized Intersection Approaches,” Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, Jan. 22-25, Washington D.C.
- Rakha H., El-Shawarby I., Arafeh M., and Dion F. (2007), “Estimating Path Travel-Time Reliability,” Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, Jan. 22-25, Washington D.C.
- Rakha H. and Gao Y. (2008), “Calibration of Steady-state Car-following Models using Macroscopic Loop Detector Data” Symposium on the Fundamental Diagram: 75 years (“Greenshields75” Symposium), July 8-10.
- Rakha H., Medina A., Ahn K., El-Shawarby I., and Arafeh M. (2008), “Evaluating Alternative Truck Management Strategies along I-81,” Urbistics Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, March 9-12.
- Dion, F. and Rakha H. (2008), “Integrating Transit Signal Priority and Adaptive Traffic Signal Control,” Urbistics Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, March 9-12.
- Rakha H., Yue H., and Dion F. (2008), “VT-MESO Model Framework for Estimating Hot Stabilized Light Duty Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emission Rates,” Urbistics Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, March 9-12.
- El-Shawarby I., Amer A., and Rakha H. (2008), “Evaluation of Driver Stopping Behavior on High-Speed Signalized Intersection Approaches,” Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Jan. 13-17, Washington D.C. (Paper 08-1941).
- Medina A., Rakha H., Arafeh M., Dua D., Abdel-Salam A., and Abbas M. (2008), “Safety Impacts of Access Control Standards on Crossroads in the Vicinity of Highway Interchanges,” Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Jan. 13-17, Washington D.C. (Paper 08-1113).
- Ahn K., Rakha H., and El-Shawarby I. (2008), “Environmental Impacts of Catalytic Converter Malfunctions,” Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Jan. 13-17, Washington D.C. (Paper 08-0500).
- Rakha H., Farzaneh M., Arafeh M., and Sterzin E. (2008), “Inclement Weather Impacts on Freeway Traffic Stream Behavior,” Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Jan. 13-17, Washington D.C. (Paper 08-0476).
- Rakha H., Amer A., and El-Shawarby I. (2008), “Modeling Driver Behavior within Signalized Intersection Approach Decision-Dilemma Zone,” Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Jan. 13-17, Washington D.C. (Paper 08-0475).
- Rakha H. and Wang W. (2009), “Procedure for Calibrating Gipps Car-Following Model” Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting, Jan. 11-15, Washington D.C. (Paper 09-0225).
- Ahn K. and Rakha H. (2009), “Energy and Environmental Assessment of High-Speed Roundabouts” Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting, Jan. 11-15, Washington D.C. (Paper 09-1475).
- Park S. and Rakha H. (2009), “Environmental Impacts of High-Emitting Vehicles” Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting, Jan. 11-15, Washington D.C. (Paper 09-0311).
- Wu N. and Rakha H. (2009), “Derivation of Van Aerde Traffic Stream Model from Tandem-Queueing Theory” Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting, Jan. 11-15, Washington D.C. (Paper 09-0149).
- Katz B., Coffey P., and Rakha H. (2009), “Analysis of Enforcement Techniques for DWI Checkpoints and Their Impact on Traffic Operations” Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting, Jan. 11-15, Washington D.C. (Paper 09-1224).
- Tawfik, A., Rakha, H., and Miller, S. (2010), “Eliciting Drivers Cognitive Trends, Examining Driver Learning, and Capturing Aggregate Evolution in Route Choice,” 1st Workshop on Traffic Behavior, Modeling and Optimization – TBMO'2010, Sept. 19, Madeira, Portugal.
- Tawfik, A., Rakha, H., and Miller, S. (2010), “Examining Drivers Experiences, Perceptions, and Choices in Route Choice Behavior,” 1st Workshop on Traffic Behavior, Modeling and Optimization – TBMO'2010, Sept. 19, Madeira, Portugal.
- Rakha H. (2010), “Eco-ITS: Modeling Considerations & Results,” Special Session on Eco-Friendly and Energy Efficient Intelligent Vehicles and Systems, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, June 21-24, San Diego, CA.
- Rakha H. (2010), “Energy and Emission Modeling for Intersection Control,” Presented in the Emerging Issues in Traffic Signal Systems: Air Quality and Traffic Signal Systems in an IntelliDrive World, TRB Traffic Signal Systems Committee Workshop, 89th Annual Meeting, Jan. 10-14, Washington D.C.
- Rakha H. (2010), “Today's Algorithms for Travel Time Prediction and Display,” Innovations in Freeway Operations, 89th Annual Meeting, Jan. 10-14, Washington D.C. (Paper 10-0433).
- Zohdy I., Sadek S., Rakha H., (2010), “Empirical Analysis of Wait Time and Rain Intensity Effects on Driver Left-Turn Gap Acceptance Behavior,” Accepted for presentation at the 89th Annual Meeting, Jan. 10-14, Washington D.C. (Paper 10-0206).
- Guo F., Rakha H., and Park S. (2010), “A Multi-state Travel Time Reliability Model,” Accepted for presentation at the 89th Annual Meeting, Jan. 10-14, Washington D.C. (Paper 10-0906).
- Park S., Rakha H., and Guo F. (2010), “Multistate Travel Time Reliability Model: Model Calibration Issues,” Accepted for presentation at the 89th Annual Meeting, Jan. 10-14, Washington D.C. (Paper 10-1289).
- Rakha H., Fitch G., Arafeh M., Blanco M., and Hanowski R. (2010), “Safety Benefit Evaluation of a Heavy Vehicle Forward Collision Warning System,” Accepted for presentation at the 89th Annual Meeting, Jan. 10-14, Washington D.C. (Paper 10-0207).
- Donoughe, K., Rakha, H., Swanson, W., Park, S., and Bryson, J. (2011) “Development of Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Bed for Evaluating Truck Safety Systems,” 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 24-27, Washington D.C. (Paper 11-1376).
- Park, S., Rakha, H., Alfelor, R., Yang, D., and Krechmer, D. (2011) "Empirical Study of Impact of Icy Roadway Surface Condition on Driver Car-Following Behavior," 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 24-27, Washington D.C. (Paper 11-1034).
- El-Shawarby, I., Rakha, H. Amer, A., and McGhee, C. (2011) “Driver and Surrounding Traffic Impact on Vehicle Deceleration Behavior at the Onset of a Yellow Indication," 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 24-27, Washington D.C. (Paper 11-1512).
- Zohdy, I., Rakha, H., Alfelor, R., Yang, D., and Krechmer, D. (2011), "Inclement Weather Impact on Driver Left-Turn Gap Acceptance Behavior," 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 24-27, Washington D.C. (Paper 11-1014).
- Amer, A., Rakha, H., and El-Shawarby, I. (2011), "Stochastic Modeling of Driver Decision at the Onset of a Yellow Indication at Signalized Intersections," 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Jan. 24-27, Washington D.C. (Paper 11-1828).
- Tawfik A. and Rakha H. (2012), "Network Route-Choice Evolution in a Real-Life Experiment: A Necessary Shift from Network to Driver Oriented Modeling", Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-1640].
- Park S., Rakha H., Ahn K., and Moran K. (2012), "Predictive Eco-cruise Control System: Model Logic and Preliminary Testing," Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-0794].
- Park S., Donoughe K., and Rakha H. (2012), "Safety Benefits of Stability Control Systems for Tractor-Semitrailers Using Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation," Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-0791].
- Zohdy I. and Rakha H. (2012), "Intersection Decision Support Framework in Adverse Weather Conditions (IDS-W) using a Case-Based Reasoning Algorithm," Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-0862].
- Zohdy I. and Rakha H. (2012), "An Agent-based Framework for Modeling Driver Left-Turn Gap Acceptance Behavior at Signalized Intersections," Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-0793].
- Guo F., Li Q., and Rakha H. (2012), "Multi-state Travel Time Reliability Models with Skewed Component Distributions," Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-1910].
- Li H., Rakha H., and El-Shawarby I. (2012), "Designing Yellow Intervals for Rainy and Wet Roadway Conditions," Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-0834].
- Du, M., Cheng, L., and Rakha H. (2012), “Sensitivity Analysis of Combined Distribution-Assignment Model with Applications,” Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 22-26, CD-ROM [Paper # 12-1978].
- Rakha H. (2012), “Transportation Sustainability: What can ITS Offer?” ITS World Congress, Vienna, Austria, Oct. 22-26. (Session SIS06 Emerging ITS Strategies and Sustainability - Tuesday 11:00 - 12:30).
- Rakha H. (2012), “Case Study Evaluation of the Environmental Impacts of Adaptive Traffic Signal Control and Transit Signal Priority,” ITS World Congress, Vienna, Austria, Oct. 22-26. (Session SIS35 - Demonstrating the environmental contributions from demand responsive traffic control - Wednesday 16:00 - 17:30).
- Rakha H. (2012), "Energy Impacts of Cooperative Vehicle Systems," ITS World Congress, Vienna, Austria, Oct. 22-26. (Session TSIS78 - Global perspectives - Cooperative energy efficiency applications - Friday 9:00 - 10:30).
- Litsas S. and Rakha H. (2013), "Evaluation of Continuous Green T-Intersections on Isolated Under-Saturated Four-Lane Highways," Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-0591].
- Tawfik A. and Rakha H. (2013), "A Latent Class Choice Model of Heterogeneous Drivers Route Choice Behavior Based on a Real-World Experiment," Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-1367].
- El-Shawarby I., Abdel-Salam A., and Rakha H. (2013), "Evaluation of Driver Perception-Reaction Times for Rainy/Wet Roadway Conditions at the Onset of a Yellow Indication at Signalized Intersections," Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-1683].
- Sangster J., Rakha H., and Du J. (2013), "Application of Naturalistic Driving Data to the Modeling of Driver Car-following Behavior," Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-0594].
- Ahn K., Rakha H., and Park S. (2013), "ECO-Drive Application: Algorithmic Development and Preliminary Testing," Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-0401].
- Gibbons R., Medina-Flintsch A., Williams B., Du J., and Rakha H. (2013), "Sag Vertical Curve Design Criteria for Headlight Sight Distance," Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-3815].
- Zohdy I. and Rakha H. (2013), "Enhancing Roundabout Operations via Vehicle Connectivity," Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 14-17, CD-ROM [Paper # 13-2809].
- Elhenawy M., Rakha H., and El-Shawarby I. (2014), "Enhancing Driver Behavior Modeling at Signalized Intersections using a Driver Aggressiveness Measure and Machine Learning Techniques," ,Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-3879].
- Edwardes W. and Rakha H. (2014), “Virginia Tech Comprehensive Power-Based Fuel Consumption Model: Modeling Diesel and Hybrid Buses,” Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-3863].
- Ahn K. and Rakha H. (2014), "Eco-Lanes Applications: Preliminary Testing and Evaluation," Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-3784].
- Kamalanathsharma R. and Rakha H. (2014), Agent-Based Simulation of Eco-Speed Controlled Vehicles at Signalized Intersections," Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-1028].
- Rakha H., Baird M., and El-Shawarby I. (2014), "Designing Traffic Signal Yellow and Change Intervals Considering Truck Impacts," Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-0285].
- Fadhloun K., Rakha H., and Loulizi A. (2014), "Comprehensive Framework for Estimating Moving Bottleneck Traffic Stream Passing Rates," Presented at the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 12-16, CD-ROM [Paper # 14-0284].
- Rakha, H. and Yang, H. (2014), “Estimation of Dynamic O-D Matrices using Synthetic Time-Dependent Static O-D Estimators and Microscopic Traffic Simulation”, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Barcelona, Spain. July 13-18.
- Yang, H. and Rakha, H. (2014), “Development of Speed Harmonization Algorithm Based on Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications”, INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- Kamalanathsharma R., Rakha H. and Yang H. (2015), "Network-wide Impacts of Vehicle Eco-Speed Control in the Vicinity of Traffic Signalized Intersections," Presented at the 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-4290].
- Ong B.T., Rakha H. and El-Shawarby I. (2015), "Designing Traffic Signal Clearance Intervals Considering Bus Impacts," Presented at the 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-1344].
- Edwardes W. and Rakha H. (2015), "Modeling Diesel and Hybrid Bus Fuel Consumption using VT-CPFM: Model Enhancements and Calibration," Presented at the 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-2198].
- Jahangiri A., Rakha H. and Dingus T. (2015), "Developing a System Architecture for Cyclist Violation Prediction Models Incorporating Naturalistic Cycling Data," 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015), Las Vegas, USA July 26-30.
- Elhenawy M., Jahangiri A., Rakha H., and El-Shawarby I. (2015), "Classification of Driver Stop/Run Behavior at the Onset of a Yellow Indication for Different Vehicle and Roadway Surface Conditions using Historical Behavior," 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015), Las Vegas, USA July 26-30.
- Fadhloun K., Rakha H., Loulizi A. and Adessattar A. (2015), "A Vehicle Dynamics Model for Estimating Typical Vehicle Accelerations," Presented at the 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-3970].
- Bryant C., Rakha H. and El-Shawarby I. (2015), "Study of Truck Driver Behavior at the Onset of a Yellow Traffic Signal Indication for the Design of Yellow Timings," Presented at the 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-4564].
- Park S., Ahn K., Rakha H., and Lee C. (2015), "Real-Time Emission Modeling with EPA MOVES: Framework Development and Preliminary Investigation," Presented at the 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-2604].
- Elhenawy M. and Rakha H. (2015), "Automatic Congestion Identification Using Two-Component Mixture Models," Presented at the 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-1440].
- Jahangiri A. and Rakha H., (2015), "Transportation Mode Detection using a Distributed Learning Approach," 22nd ITS World Congress, Bordeaux, France, Oct. 5-9.
- Wang J. and Rakha H. (2016), "Hybrid-Electric Bus Fuel Consumption Modeling: Model Development and Comparison with Conventional Buses,"95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 10-14. [Paper # 16-0660]
- Venkat Ala M., Yang H., and Rakha H. (2016), "A Modeling Evaluation of Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in the Vicinity of Signalized Intersections," 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 10-14. [Paper # 16-2891]
- Ahn K., Rakha H., Kang K., and Govindarajan V. (2016), "Multimodal Intelligent Transportation Signal System Simulation Model Development and Assessment," 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 10-14. [Paper # 16-1141]
- El-Shawarby I., Rakha H., Amer A., and McGhee C. (2016), "Characterization of Driver Perception Reaction Time at the Onset of a Yellow Indication," 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2016), Orlando, Florida, July 27-30.
- Elhenawy M., El-Shawarby I., and Rakha H. (2016), "Modeling the Perception Reaction Time and Deceleration Level for Different Surface Conditions using Machine Learning Techniques," 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2016), Orlando, Florida, July 27-30.
- Rakha H. (2016), “Multi-objective Optimization of Conventional & Connected Automated Vehicle Movements through Roadway Intersections,” Transportation Engineering and Safety Conference, Dec. 2-5, Pennsylvania State University.
- Rakha H. (2017), “Modeling Driver Input and Vehicle Dynamics: A Naturalistic Empirical Approach to Modeling Car-following Behavior,” 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12.
- Wang J. and Rakha H. (2017), "Convex Fuel Consumption Model for Diesel and Hybrid Buses," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-00770]
- Abdelmegeed M. and Rakha H. (2017), "Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck Emission Modeling," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-00855]
- Almannaa M., Chen H., Rakha H., Loulizi A. and El-Shawarby I. (2017), "Controlled-Field Evaluation of Effectiveness of Infrastructure-to-Vehicle Communication in Reducing Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Delay at Signalized Intersections," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-01769].
- Rakha H. (2017), "Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Technological and Applications Perspective," Keynote speaker, 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Napoli, Italy, June 26-28.
- Kang K. and Rakha H. (2017), "A Game Theoretical Approach to Model Decision Making for Merging Maneuvers at Freeway On-Ramps," 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-05170]
- Wang J. and Rakha H. (2017), “Longitudinal Train Dynamics Model for a Rail Transit Simulation System,” Conference on Traffic and Granular Flow, Washington DC, July 19-22.
- Elbery A., Rakha H. and Elnainay M. (2017), “Large-scale Modeling of Connected Vehicle Systems,” Conference on Traffic and Granular Flow, Washington DC, July 19-22.
- Kang K. and Rakha H. (2017), “Development of a Decision Making Model for Merging Maneuvers: A Game Theoretical Approach,” Conference on Traffic and Granular Flow, Washington DC, July 19-22.
- Jahangiri A., Elhenawy M., Rakha H. and Dingus T. (2017), “Studying Cyclist Violations at Stop Sign-Controlled Intersections using Naturalistic Cycling Data,” Conference on Traffic and Granular Flow, Washington DC, July 19-22.
- Rakha H., Elbery A., Du J., Bichiou Y., Wang J, Dvorak F. and Klenk M. (2017), “Developing a Multi-scale and Multi-modal Agent-based Modeling Framework for Assessing Network-wide Energy/Fuel Consumption Impacts of Travel Incentive Strategies,” INFORMS Conference, Houston, Oct. 22-25.
- Kang K. and Rakha H.A. (2018), “Modeling Driver Merging Behavior: A Repeated Game Theoretical Approach,” 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-11. [Paper # 18-05037].
- Yang H., Almutairi F.*, and Rakha H.A. (2018), “Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control at Signalized Intersections: A Multiple Signal Optimization Approach,” Automated Vehicle Symposium, San Francisco, July 9-12.
- Yang H. and Rakha H.A. (2018), “Feedback Control Speed Harmonization Algorithm: Methodology & Preliminary Testing,” Automated Vehicle Symposium, San Francisco, July 9-12.
- Almannaa M.*, Chen H., Rakha H.A., Loulizi A., and El-Shawarby I. (2018), “Development and Controlled Field Evaluation of an Automated Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System in the Vicinity of Signalized Intersections,” Automated Vehicle Symposium, San Francisco, July 9-12.
- Osman O. and Rakha H.A. (2018), “Application of Deep Learning for Characterization of Driver Engagement in Secondary Tasks,” Automated Vehicle Symposium, San Francisco, July 9-12.
- Hankey S., Du J., Wang J., Rakha H.A., and Sforza P. (2018), “Merging Mobile Measurements, Traffic Emissions Models, and Land Use Regression Towards Real-Time Estimation of Traffic-Related Air Pollution,” ISES-ISEE Joint Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, August 26-30.
- Du J. and Rakha H.A. (2019), “Constructing a Network Fundamental Diagram: A Synthetic Origin-Destination Approach,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 13-17. [Paper: 19-00044].
- Aljamal M.*, Abdelghaffar H.*, and Rakha H.A. (2020), "A Neural-Kalman Filtering Approach for Vehicle Count Estimates on Signalized Roadways Using Probe Vehicle Data", Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 12-16. [Paper: 20-00595].
- Osman O.* and Rakha H.A. (2020), "Characterization of Drivers’ Engagement in Secondary Tasks: Application of Deep Learning for Data-Driven In-Vehicle Systems", Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 12-16. [Paper: 20-01512].
- Ahn K.*, Rakha H.A., Park S.* (2020), "Eco-Predictive Control of Electric Vehicles", Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 12-16. [Paper: 20-00377].
- Eteifa S.*, Rakha H.A., and Eldardiry H. (2021), “Predicting Coordinated Actuated Traffic Signal Change Times using LSTM Neural Networks,” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 100th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Jan. 25-29. [Paper: TRBAM-21-02753]
- Rakha H.A. (2021), “Optimization, Modeling and Assessment of Smart City Transportation Systems,” 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS) and 10th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS), April 28-30.[1]
- Rakha H.A. (2021), “Optimization, Modeling and Assessment of Smart City Transportation Systems,” 2021 International Conference on SmartRail, Traffic and Transportation Engineering (ICSTTE 2021), Frankfurt, Germany, Sept. 17-19.[2]
- Rakha H.A. (2021), “Leveraging Vehicle Automation and Traveler and Vehicle Connectivity to Develop Greener Transportation Systems,” International Conference on Energy and Green Computing ICEGC'2021, Dec. 9-10. ([3]
[1] Keynote presentation at the 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS) and the 10th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS).
[2] Keynote presentation at the International Conference on SmartRail, Traffic and Transportation Engineering.
[3] Keynote presentation at the International Conference on Energy and Green Computing ICEGC'2021.
- Van Aerde M. and Rakha H. (1995), TravTek Evaluation Modeling Study, FHWA-RD-95-090, 184p.
- Perez, W., Van Aerde, M., Rakha, H., and Robinson, M. (1995), TravTek Evaluation Safety Study, FHWA-RD-95-188, 124p.
- Rakha H.A. and Van Aerde M. (1996), Genesis Modeling Evaluation, FHWA-RD-96-118, 161p.
- Wetherby B., Rakha H.A., and Van Aerde M (1998), SWIFT Architecture Evaluation, Washington State Department of Transportation WSDOT Y-5908, 173p.
- Medina A., Lee S., and Rakha H. (2000), “A Preliminary Evaluation of the Operational and Safety Levels of I-81.” Report submitted to the Virginia Department of Transportation, 27p.
- Dion F., Rakha H., and Zhang Y. (2000), “Modeling the Impacts of Integrating Transit Signal Priority and SCOOT Adaptive Signal Control: The Columbia Pike Case Study.” Report submitted to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), 100p.
- Zimmerman C., Marks J., Jenq J., Cluett C, DeBlasio A., Lappin J., Rakha H., and Wunderlich K. (2000), Phoenix Metropolitan Model Deployment Initiative Evaluation Report, FHWA-JPO-00-015, 122p.
- Carter M., Cluett C., DeBlasio A., Dion F., Hicks B., Lappin J., Novak D., Rakha H., St-Onge C., and Van Aerde M. (2000), Metropolitan Model Deployment Initiative San Antonio Evaluation Report, FHWA-OP-00-017, 116p.
- Dion F. and Rakha H. (2001), “State-of-the-art of Spatial Travel Time Estimation Technologies, Systems, and Field Tests.” Report submitted to the Virginia Department of Transportation, 38p.
- Crowther B. and Rakha H. (2001), “A Comparison of CORSIM and INTEGRATION for the Modeling of Stationary Bottlenecks.” Report submitted to the Virginia Department of Transportation, 140p.
- Dion F. and Rakha H. (2001), “Field and Simulation Evaluation of the Columbia Pike SCOOT Adaptive Traffic Signal Control System.” Report submitted to the Virginia Department of Transportation, 21p.
- Katz B. and Rakha H. (2002), “Field and Modeling Framework and Case Study of Truck Weigh Station Operations.” Report submitted to the Virginia Department of Transportation, 80p.
- Rakha H., Medina A., Ahn K., El-Shawarby I., and Arafeh M. (2003), “Simulation Study of the Roanoke/Blacksburg Section of I-81”, Report submitted to the Virginia Department of Transportation, 5p.
- Ahn K. and Rakha H. (2003), “Study of Traffic Use on Virginia State Route 24 at Appomattox Court House National Historic Park”, Report submitted to the National Parking Services, 48p.
- Hranac R., Sterzin E., Krechmer D., Rakha H., Farzaneh M., and Arafeh M. (2006), “Empirical Studies on Traffic Flow in Inclement Weather,” FHWA-HOP-07-073.
- Fitch, G. Rakha, H.A., Arafeh, M., Blanco, M., Gupta, S., Zimmermann, R., and Hanowski, R. (2008), “Safety Benefit Evaluation of a Forward Collision Warning System: Final Report.” DOT HS 810 910, 113p.
- Rakha, H., Medina, A., Arafeh, M., Abdel-Salam, A., Dua, D., and Abbas, M. (2008), “Access Control Design on Highway Interchanges,” VTRC 08-CR7.
- Rakha H., Krechmer D., Cordahi G., Zohdy I., Sadek S., and Arafeh M. (2009), “Microscopic Analysis of Traffic Flow in Inclement Weather,” FHWA- JPO-09-066, 111p.
- Krechmer, D., Rakha, H., Howard, M., Huang, W., Zohdy, I. and Du, J. (2010), “Data Mining and Gap Analysis for Weather Responsive Traffic Management Program,” FHWA-JPO-11-037, 149p.
- Rakha, H., Zohdy, I., Park, S., and Krechmer, D. (2010), “Microscopic Analysis of Traffic Flow in Inclement Weather,” FHWA- JPO-11-020, 93p.
- Rakha H., El-Shawarby I., and Amer A., (2010), “Signalized Intersection Red Light Running and Dilemma Zone Study,” VTRC 08-001, 74p.
- Rakha, H., Du, J., Park, S., Guo, F., Doerzaph, Z. Vitta, D., Golembiewski, G., Katz, B., Kehoe, N., and Rigdon, H. (2011), “Feasibility of Using In-Vehicle Video Data to Explore How to Modify Driver Behavior That Causes Nonrecurring Congestion,’” SHRP 2 Report S2-L10-RR-01, ISBN: 978-0-309-12898-8, pp. 127.
- Rakha H., Ahn K., and Park S. (2011), “Eco-Driving Application Development and Testing,” FHWA, pp. 45.
- Rakha H., Kamalanathsharma R.K., and Ahn K. (2011), “Eco-Vehicle Speed Control at Signalized Intersections using I2V Communication,” FHWA, pp. 36.
- Tawfik A. and Rakha H. (2012), “Human Aspects of Route Choice Behavior: Incorporating Perceptions, Learning Trends, Latent Classes, and Personality Traits in the Modeling of Driver Heterogeneity in Route Choice Behavior,” U.S. Department of Transportation’s University Transportation Centers Program,, 203p.
- Rakha H., Ahn K. and Park S. (2013), “Predictive Eco-Cruise Control (ECC) System: Model Development, Modeling and Potential Benefits,” U.S. Department of Transportation’s University Transportation Centers Program, 92p.
- Rakha H., Sangster J. and Du J. (2013), “Naturalistic Driving Data for the Analysis of Car-following Models,” U.S. Department of Transportation’s University Transportation Centers Program, 48p.
- Rakha H., Zohdy I. and Kamalanathsharma R. (2013), “Agent-Based Game Theory Modeling for Driverless Vehicles at Intersections,” U.S. Department of Transportation’s University Transportation Centers Program, 43p.
- Rakha H., Chen H., Haghani A., and (2013), “Assessment of Data Quality Needs for use in Transportation Applications,” U.S. Department of Transportation’s University Transportation Centers Program, 123p.
- Rakha H. and Ahn K. (2014), “Developing Eco-Adaptive Cruise Control Systems,” U.S. Department of Transportation’s University Transportation Centers Program, 38p.
- Rakha H. and Ahn K. (2014), “Developing an Eco-routing Application,” U.S. Department of Transportation’s University Transportation Centers Program, 33p.
- Rakha H. and Kamalanathsharma R. (2014), “Green Cooperative Adaptive Control Systems in the Vicinity of Signalized Intersections,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 52p.
- Rakha H. and Chen H. (2014), "Developing Freeway Travel Time Prediction Algorithms: Algorithmic Development and Testing," Virginia Department of Transportation, 64p.
- Du J. and Rakha H. (2014), "CapTOP Enhancements: DMS Module, Data Visualization and Social Media Analysis," District of Columbia Department of Transportation, p13.
- Du J., Rakha H. and Guo F. (2015), “Investigate Attractiveness of Toll Roads,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 24p.
- Hale D., Phillips T., Ma X., Raboy K., Su P., Lu X., Rakha H., and Dailey D. (2016), "Introduction of Cooperative Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Systems to Improve Speed Harmonization," FHWA-HRT-16-023, 50p.
- Rakha H., Elhenawy M., and Jahangiri A. (2016), “Bicycle Naturalistic Data Collection,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 35p.
- Rakha H., Chen H., Almannaa M. and El-Shawarby I. (2016), “Field Testing of Eco-Speed Control Using V2I Communication,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 37p.
- Rakha H. and Yang H. (2016), “Connected Vehicle Freeway Speed Harmonization Systems,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 26p.
- Rakha H., Bichiou Y., Hassan A. and Zohdy I. (2016), “Intersection Management Using In-Vehicle Speed Advisory/Adaptation,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 51p.
- Rakha H., Wang J. and Abdelmegeed M. (2016), “Energy Consumption and Emission Modeling,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 52p.
- Rakha H. and Yang H. (2016), “Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Systems,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 82p.
- Talley W., Ng M., Cetin M., Rakha H.A., and Park B. (2016) “Multimodal Freight Distribution to Support Increased Port Operations,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 57p.
- Nichols A., Abbas M., Park B., and Rakha H. (2016), “Enhancing Traffic Control Systems to Reduce Emissions and Fuel Consumption,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 124p.
- Rakha H., Aljamal M., Du J. and El-Shawarby I. (2016), “Comparison of Microscopic and Mesoscopic Traffic Modeling Tools for Evacuation Analysis,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 19p.
- Iftikharuddin K., Elbakary M., Afrifa K., Cetin M., Rakha H. and Abdelghaffar H., (2017), “LiDAR for Air Quality Measurement,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 16p.
- Elhenawy M. and Rakha H. (2017), “Applying Cluster Analysis Techniques to Traffic Operations,” Virginia Department of Transportation, 59p.
- Rakha H., Elbery A. and Wang J. (2017), “Developing and Field Implementing a Dynamic Eco-routing System,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 38p.
- Rakha H., Chen H., Almannaa M., El-Shawarby I., and Loulizi A. (2017), “Developing and Field Implementing an Eco-Cruise Control System in the Vicinity of Traffic Signalized Intersections,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 13p.
- Rakha H., Wang J. and Abdelmegeed M. (2017), “Develop Multi-scale Energy and Emission Models,” U.S. Department of Transportation's University Transportation Centers Program, 56p.
- Klenk M., Rakha H.A., Du J., Bichiou Y., Elbery A., Wang J., Ghanem A., Mohan S., Yan F. (2018), “Collaborative Optimization and Planning for Transportation Energy Reduction (COPTER),” US Department of Energy, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), Contract DE-AR0000612, 42p.
- Rakha H.A., Ahn K., and Abdelghaffar H. (2019), “Development of Multimodal Traffic Signal Control,” UMEC-005, p. 69. Grant 69A43551747123. [Link].
- Rakha H.A., Almannaa M., Ashqar H., Elhenawy M., and Ghanem A. (2019), “Traffic State Prediction: A Traveler Equity and Multi-model Perspective,” UMEC-005, p. 141. Grant 69A43551747123. [Link].
- Du J., Bichiou Y., Rakha H.A., Lee Y-J, and Nickkar A. (2020), “Improving Public School Bus Operations Boston and Baltimore County Public Schools,” UMEC-019. p. 47. Grant 69A43551747123. [Link].
- Chen H., Rakha H.A., Jeihani M., and Ahangari S. (2020), “Developing and Testing an ECO-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System for Buses,” UMEC-010, p. 28. Grant 69A43551747123. [Link].
- Abdelghaffar H., Ahn K., and Rakha H.A. (2020), “Developing a Connected Vehicle Transit Signal Priority System,” UMEC-011, p. 26. Grant 69A43551747123. [Link].
- Du J.* and Rakha H.A. (2020), “Impact of Ridesharing on Vehicle Miles Traveled,” Report for the National Surface Transportation Safety Center for Excellence. [Link].
- Chen H.*, Rakha H.A., Bas Vicente J., Cirillo C., Zofío J. (2020), “Developing an ECO-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System for Electric Vehicles,” UMEC-018, p. 46. [Link].
- Breuer H.*, Du J.*, and Rakha H.A. (2021), “A Study of the Impact of Ride-hailing on Public Transit Ridership,” UMEC-029, p. 59. [Link]
- Aljamal M.*, Abdelghaffar H.*, and Rakha H.A. (2021), “Estimating Traffic Stream Density Using Connected Vehicle Data,” UMEC-030, p. 61.